A program is to be written to copy ISAM and SAM files. Using the program, it should be possible to change the following:
the access method
the record length
the ISAM key.
The program is to execute as a main program.
If the file to be processed is protected by a password, it should be possible to enter the password without it appearing on the screen. If the password is omitted, it is to be requested in an error dialog.
In addition to the standard SDF statements, the program has the following statement:
FROM-FILE = <filename 1..54> ,TO-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>(...) <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>(...)
,PASSWORD = *NONE / <c-string 1..4> / *SECRET-PROMPT |
Defining the program in the user syntax file
The program KOP is defined in the user syntax file SDF.KOP.SYNTAX:
A task is initiated under the user ID SDFUSR.
SDF-A is loaded and started.
The user syntax file SDF.KOP.SYNTAX is created and opened.
The program KOP is defined. By default, SDF-A takes the first three letters (KOP) as its internal name.
The header of the COPY-FILE statement belonging to the program KOP is defined. Its internal name is COPYFI and it has the version number 1.
The first operand of the COPY-FILE statement is defined. Its name is FROM-FILE. It occupies the first position in the operand array of the transfer area.
It is defined that the value of the FROM-FILE operand must be of the data type FILENAME.
The second operand of the COPY-FILE statement is defined. Its name is TO-FILE. In the operand array of the transfer area it occupies the second position.
It is defined that the value of the TO-FILE operand must be of the data type FILENAME. Specification of a generation number or version number is not permitted. FILENAME introduces a structure.
The first operand in the structure FILENAME is defined. Its name is ACCESS-METHOD. Its default value is SAME. In the operand array of the transfer area it occupies the third position.
%//add-val *keyw,val='same' ——————————————————————————————————————————— (11)
%//add-val *keyw,val='isam',struct=*y ————————————————————————————————— (12)
%//add-oper key-length,default='std',res-oper-name=*pos(4) ———————————— (13)
%//add-val *keyw,val='std' ———————————————————————————————————————————— (14)
%//add-val *integer(1,50) ————————————————————————————————————————————— (15)
%//close-structure ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— (16)
%//add-val *keyw,val='sam' ———————————————————————————————————————————— (17)
%//add-oper record-size,default='same',res-oper-name=*pos(5) —————————— (18)
%//add-val *keyw,val='same' ——————————————————————————————————————————— (19)
%//add-val *keyw,val='variable' ——————————————————————————————————————— (20)
%//add-val *integer(1,2048) ——————————————————————————————————————————— (21)
%//close-struct ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— (22)
It is defined that the keyword SAME is a permissible value for the ACCESS-METHOD operand.
It is defined that the keyword ISAM is a permissible value for the ACCESS-METHOD operand. ISAM introduces a structure.
The first operand in the ISAM structure is defined. Its name is KEY-LENGTH. Its default value is STD. In the operand array of the transfer area it occupies the fourth position.
It is defined that the keyword STD is a permissible value for the KEY-LENGTH operand.
It is defined that the value of the KEY-LENGTH operand may be of the data type INTEGER. 1 is defined as its lower limit, 50 as its upper limit.
The structure just edited (ISAM) is closed.
It is defined that the keyword SAM is a permissible value for the ACCESS-METHOD operand.
The second operand in the structure FILENAME is defined. Its name is RECORD-SIZE. Its default value is SAME. In the operand array of the transfer area it occupies the fifth position.
It is defined that the keyword SAME is a permissible value for the RECORD-SIZE operand.
It is defined that the keyword VARIABLE is a permissible value for the RECORD-SIZE operand.
It is defined that the value of the RECORD-SIZE operand may be of the data type INTEGER. 1 is defined as its lower limit, 2048 as its upper limit.
The structure just edited (FILENAME) is closed.
%//add-oper password,default='none',secret=*y,res-oper-name=*pos(6) ——— (23)
%//add-val *keyw,val='none' ——————————————————————————————————————————— (24)
%//add-val *c-string(1,4) ————————————————————————————————————————————— (25)
%//add-val *keyw,val='secret-prompt',out=*secret —————————————————————— (26)
%//close-cmd —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— (27)
%//show object=*program(name=kop),size=*max ——————————————————————————— (28)
filename 1..54
filename 1..54_without-generation-version()
STRUCTURE: filename
*SAME or *ISAM() or *SAM
*STD or integer_1..50
*SAME or *VARIABLE or integer_1..2048
*NONE or c-string_1..4 or *SECRET-PROMPT -DEFAULT-: *NONE
The third global operand of the COPY-FILE statement is defined. Its name is PASSWORD. Its default value is NONE. It is defined as a secret operand. In the operand array of the transfer area it occupies the eighth position.
It is defined that the keyword NONE is a permissible value for the PASSWORD operand.
It is defined that the value of the PASSWORD operand may be of the data type C-STRING. 1 is defined as its minimum length, 4 as its maximum length.
It is defined that the keyword SECRET-PROMPT is a permissible value for the PASSWORD operand. It is not passed to the implementation; instead, after it has been entered, SDF requests a value (not displayed) for PASSWORD.
The definition of the COPY-FILE statement is terminated.
The definition of the program KOP, with all of the statements that go with it, is displayed in its most detailed form.
After analyzing the COPY-FILE statement, SDF writes the following information into the transfer area. The entries enclosed in parentheses are written by SDF-A only when ACCESS-METHOD=*ISAM applies.
Byte | Length in | Description | Value |
0 to 7 | 8 | Standard header | |
8 to 11 | 4 | Length of the transfer area | |
12 to 19 | 8 | Internal statement name | C'COPYFI' |
20 to 23 | 4 | Reserved | |
24 to 26 | 3 | Version of the statement | C'001' |
27 to 35 | 9 | Reserved | |
36 to 37 | 2 | Number of positions in the operand array | 6 |
38 to 39 | 2 | Reserved | |
40 41 42 43 44 to 47 | 1 1 4 | Additional information for FROM-FILE
Absolute address of the value of FROM-FILE | B'1... ....' B'1... ....' |
48 51 52 to 55 | 1 1 4 | Additional information for TO-FILE Type description for TO-FILE Global syntax attributes for TO-FILE (always 0, as wildcards are not permitted) Syntax attributes for data type <filename>, if:
Absolute address of the value of TO-FILE | B'1... ....' 11 B'.... ....' B'1... ....' B'.1.. ....' B'.... 1...' aaaa |
56 57 58 59 60 to 63 | 1 1 1 1 4 | Additional information for ACCESS-METHOD Type description for ACCESS-METHOD Reserved Reserved Absolute address of the value of ACCESS-METHOD | B'1... ....' 22 aaaa |
64 65 66 67 68 to 71 | 1 1 1 1 4 | Additional information for KEY-LENGTH Type description for KEY-LENGTH Reserved Reserved Absolute address of the value of KEY-LENGTH | B'0... ....' B'1... ....' (2 or 22) (aaaa) |
72 73 74 75 76 to 79 | 1 1 1 1 4 | Additional information for RECORD-SIZE Type description for RECORD-SIZE Reserved Reserved Absolute address of the value of RECORD-SIZE | B'1... ....' 2 or 22 aaaa |
80 81 82 83 84 to 87 | 1 1 1 1 4 | Additional information for PASSWORD Type description for PASSWORD Reserved Syntax attributes for data type <c-string>:
Absolute address of the value of PASSWORD | B'1... ....' 2 or 22 B'1... ....' aaaa |
2 2
| Length specification Reserved Value of FROM-FILE | II xxx | |
2 2
| Length specification Reserved Value of TO-FILE | II xxx | |
2 2
| Length specification Reserved Value of ACCESS-METHOD | II xxx | |
(2) (2) ( | (Length specification) (Reserved) (Value of KEY-LENGTH) | (II) (xxx) | |
2 2
| Length specification Reserved Value of RECORD-SIZE | II xxx | |
2 2
| Length specification Reserved Value of PASSWORD | II xxx |
The COPY-FILE statement occupies a maximum of 240 bytes in the transfer area. Consequently, the transfer area must be at least 240 bytes long.
Generating the program
The KOP program is shown below:
KOP START TITLE 'Example of program using SDF macros' *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * The program reads and corrects the statement COPY-FILE with SDF, * then executes it. * The field identifiers used by this program are to be found in the * SDF macros CMDTA for the transfer area, CMDMEM for the status. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* R0 EQU 0 R1 EQU 1 R2 EQU 2 R3 EQU 3 R4 EQU 4 R5 EQU 5 R6 EQU 6 R7 EQU 7 R8 EQU 8 R9 EQU 9 R10 EQU 10 R11 EQU 11 R12 EQU 12 R13 EQU 13 R14 EQU 14 R15 EQU 15 *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FRFILE# EQU 1 position of operand FROM-FILE TOFILE# EQU 2 TO-FILE ACCESS# EQU 3 ACCESS-METH KEYLEN# EQU 4 KEY-LENGTH RECSIZ# EQU 5 RECORD-SIZE PASSWR# EQU 6 PASSWORD CMDANALY , SDF return codes TAD CMDTA MF=D SDF transfer area RSTD CMDRST MF=D Read statements CSTD CMDCST MF=D Correct statement *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Register usage * R2 SDF output area for CMDSTA, CMDRST, CMDCST. * R3 current character in filename analysis * R3 current field in SDF output area * * R5 help register * R10,R11 base registers * R15 return code
*---------------------------------------------------------------------* KOP CSECT , BEGIN BALR R10,R0 USING *,R10,R11 B F00 SLICE# DC F'4096' F00 LR R11,R10 A R11,SLICE# *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check if user syntax file is activated. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CMDMEM D,P=XMD Layout for CMDSTA output * KOP CSECT , * CMDSTA OUTAREA=STA#OUT Get SDF options * USING XMDMEM,R2 LA R2,STA#OUT LA R3,XMDUSER CLI 0(R3),':' Check catid BNE NOCATID CATIDL LA R3,1(R3) CLI 0(R3),':' BNE CATIDL LA R3,1(R3) NOCATID CLI 0(R3),'$' Check userid BNE NOUSERID USERIDL LA R3,1(R3) CLI 0(R3),'.' BNE USERIDL LA R3,1(R3) NOUSERID CLC 0(USF#L,R3),USF#NAME Check user syntax file BNE FC#ERROR DROP R2 *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Read SDF statement. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* READSTMT DS 0Y MVI OWNFLAGS,0 USING RSTD,1 from CMDRST USING TAD,R2 from CMDTA LA R1,RSTPL LA R2,OUTPUT * CMDRST MF=E,PARAM=RSTPL * CLI CMDRMR1,CMDRSUCCESSFUL no error, continue...
BE F01 CLI CMDRMR1,CMDREOF EOF reached BE FC#EOF CLI CMDRMR1,CMDREND_STMT //END was read BE FC#END B FC#ERROR otherwise error... *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Evaluate structured-description *---------------------------------------------------------------------* F01 DS 0H CLC CMDINTN,COPYFILE is this //COPY-FILE ? BNE FC#ERROR it can only be //COPY-FILE ! *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * operand FROM-FILE *---------------------------------------------------------------------* LA R3,CMDMAIN+(FRFILE#-1)*CMDHEAL FROM-FILE USING CMDHEAD,R3 L R3,CMDOPTR A(from-file value) MVI FRFILE,' ' MVC FRFILE+1(L'FRFILE-1),FRFILE USING CMDOVAL,R3 value field LH R5,CMDLVAL value length BCTR R5,R0 EX R5,EX#MVC1 mvc with l=R5 B F02 skip ex#mvc1... EX#MVC1 MVC FRFILE(1),CMDAVAL *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * operand PASSWORD *---------------------------------------------------------------------* F02 DS 0H LA R3,CMDMAIN+(PASSWR#-1)*CMDHEAL PASSWORD USING CMDODES,R3 CLI CMDOTYP,CMDCSTR C-string input ? BNE NO#PASS no: no password input * copy input password into own field MVI PASSWR,' ' MVC PASSWR+1(L'PASSWR-1),PASSWR USING CMDHEAD,R3 operand description L R3,CMDOPTR A(password value) USING CMDOVAL,R3 value field LH R5,CMDLVAL value length BCTR R5,R0 EX R5,EX#MVC2 mvc with l=R5 B FC#OPEN skip ex#mvc2... EX#MVC2 MVC PASSWR(1),CMDAVAL NO#PASS DS 0H OI OWNFLAGS,NOPASS FC#OPEN DS 0H
CLC PASSWR,QUESTION is password = '????' BE PASS#ER test corstmt part. * open of file FROM-FILE * ... * if error at open of FROM-FILE: * B PASS#ER *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * operand TO-FILE *---------------------------------------------------------------------* LA R3,CMDMAIN+(TOFILE#-1)*CMDHEAL TO-FILE USING CMDODES,R3 TM CMDGSTA,CMDOCC operand input ? BZ FC#ERROR no: error MVI TOFILE,' ' MVC TOFILE+1(L'TOFILE-1),TOFILE USING CMDHEAD,R3 L R3,CMDOPTR A(to-file value) USING CMDOVAL,R3 value field LH R5,CMDLVAL value length BCTR R5,R0 EX R5,EX#MVC3 mvc with l=R5 B F03 skip ex#mvc3... EX#MVC3 MVC TOFILE(1),CMDAVAL *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * operand ACCESS-METHOD *---------------------------------------------------------------------* F03 DS 0H LA R3,CMDMAIN+(ACCESS#-1)*CMDHEAL ACCESS-METHOD USING CMDODES,R3 TM CMDGSTA,CMDOCC operand input ? BZ FC#ERROR no: error USING CMDHEAD,R3 L R3,CMDOPTR A(access-method value) USING CMDOVAL,R3 value field LH R5,CMDLVAL value length CH R5,THREE sam? BE I#SAM CLI CMDAVAL,'I' isam? BE I#SAM * access-method = same OI OWNFLAGS,ACCSAME MVI ACCESS,'X' B F04 skip sam/isam * access-method = sam / isam I#SAM DS 0H MVC ACCESS,CMDAVAL S:sam / I:isam *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * operand KEY-LENGTH
*---------------------------------------------------------------------* F04 DS 0H LA R3,CMDMAIN+(KEYLEN#-1)*CMDHEAL KEY-LENGTH USING CMDODES,R3 TM CMDGSTA,CMDOCC operand input ? BZ F05 no: not isam, next operand. CLI CMDOTYP,CMDINT BE KEYINT * key-length = std : keylen := 8 MVI KEYLEN,8 B F05 * key-length = <integer_1..50> KEYINT DS 0H USING CMDHEAD,R3 L R3,CMDOPTR A(key-length value) USING CMDOVAL,R3 value field MVC KEYLEN,CMDAVAL+3 B F05 *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * operand RECORD-SIZE *---------------------------------------------------------------------* F05 DS 0H LA R3,CMDMAIN+(RECSIZ#-1)*CMDHEAL RECORD-SIZE USING CMDODES,R3 TM CMDGSTA,CMDOCC operand input ? BZ FC#ERROR no: error CLI CMDOTYP,CMDINT BE RECINT USING CMDHEAD,R3 L R3,CMDOPTR A(record-size value) USING CMDOVAL,R3 value field LH R5,CMDLVAL value length CH R5,FOUR BNE F051 * record-size = same OI OWNFLAGS,RECSAME B F06 F051 DS 0H * record-size = variable OI OWNFLAGS,RECVAR B F06 * record-size = <integer_1..2048> RECINT DS 0H USING CMDHEAD,R3 L R3,CMDOPTR A(record-size value) USING CMDOVAL,R3 value field MVC RECSIZ,CMDAVAL+2 F06 DS 0H
*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ... Copy file ... * Output of copied values for test purpose (even password!) *---------------------------------------------------------------------* WROUT MESS1,FC#END WROUT MESS2,FC#END TM OWNFLAGS,NOPASS BZ WMESS3 WROUT MESS11,FC#END B WMESS4 WMESS3 DS 0H WROUT MESS3,FC#END WMESS4 DS 0H TM OWNFLAGS,ACCSAME BZ WMESS5 WROUT MESS4,FC#END access given B WMESS6 WMESS5 WROUT MESS5,FC#END access default WMESS6 DS 0H TM OWNFLAGS,KEYSTD BNZ WMESS8 UNPK BUFF5(5),KEYHW(3) TR BUFF5(4),CONVCHAR-XF0 MVC KEYCHAR,BUFF5 WROUT MESS6,FC#END B WMESS7 WMESS8 WROUT MESS8,FC#END WMESS7 DS 0H TM OWNFLAGS,RECSAME BNZ WMESS9 TM OWNFLAGS,RECVAR BNZ WMESS10 UNPK BUFF5(5),RECSIZ(3) TR BUFF5(4),CONVCHAR-XF0 MVC RECCHAR,BUFF5 WROUT MESS7,FC#END B REPEAT WMESS9 WROUT MESS9,FC#END B REPEAT WMESS10 WROUT MESS10,FC#END * * R E P E A T READSTMT * REPEAT DS 0H B READSTMT *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Password handling routine *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
PASS#ER DS 0H LA R3,CMDMAIN+(PASSWR#-1)*CMDHEAL PASSWORD USING CMDODES,R3 OI CMDGSTA,CMDERR set operand erroneous LA R1,CSTPL USING CSTD,R1 CMDCST MF=M,MESSAGE=A(MESSAGE) CORRSTMT CMDCST MF=E,PARAM=CSTPL CLI CMDCMR1,CMDCSUCCESSFUL corstmt successful? BNE READSTMT no: new read... B F01 repeat analysis... * * Game over. * B FC#END *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FC#ERROR DS 0H error handling routine * ... FC#EOF DS 0H EOF handling routine * ... *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FC#END TERM *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Parameter lists *---------------------------------------------------------------------* RSTPL CMDRST MF=L,PROGRAM='KOP',OUTPUT=A(OUTPUT) CSTPL CMDCST MF=L,INOUT=A(OUTPUT),MESSAGE=A(0) * given at execution *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Used constants, variables and buffers *---------------------------------------------------------------------* RC DS X return code byte USF#NAME DC 'SDF.KOP.SYNTAX' syntax file name USF#L EQU *-USF#NAME user syntax file length COPYFILE DC 'COPYFI ' //COPY-FILE internal name QUESTION DC '????' THREE DC H'3' FOUR DC H'4' EIGHT DC H'8' CONVCHAR DC C'0123456789ABCDEF' XF0 EQU X'F0' * Message for CORSTMT MESSAGE DS 0F DC Y(MSGEND-MESSAGE) DS XL2 DC C'PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD FOR INPUT FILE' MSGEND EQU * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
* Output fields for statement operands *---------------------------------------------------------------------* MESS1 DS 0F DC Y(END1-MESS1) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'FROM-FILE = ' FRFILE DS CL52' ' own from-file END1 EQU * MESS2 DS 0F DC Y(END2-MESS2) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'TO-FILE = ' TOFILE DS CL52' ' own to-file END2 EQU * MESS3 DS 0F DC Y(END3-MESS3) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'PASSWORD = ' PASSWR DS CL4 own password END3 EQU * MESS4 DS 0F DC Y(END4-MESS4) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'ACCESS-METHOD IS SAME' END4 EQU * MESS5 DS 0F DC Y(END5-MESS5) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'ACCESS-METHOD = ' ACCESS DS X own access-method: Sam | Isam END5 EQU * MESS6 DS 0F DC Y(END6-MESS6) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'KEY-LENGTH = ' KEYCHAR DS CL4' ' key-length converted into hexa END6 EQU * MESS7 DS 0F DC Y(END7-MESS7) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'REC-SIZE = '
RECCHAR DS CL4' ' rec-size converted into hexa END7 EQU * MESS8 DS 0F DC Y(END8-MESS8) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'KEY-LENGTH IS STD' END8 EQU * MESS9 DS 0F DC Y(END9-MESS9) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'REC-SIZE IS SAME' END9 EQU * MESS10 DS 0F DC Y(END10-MESS10) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'REC-SIZE IS VARIABLE' END10 EQU * MESS11 DS 0F DC Y(END11-MESS11) DS CL2 DC X'40' DC C'PASSWORD IS NONE' END11 EQU * KEYHW DC H'0' ORG KEYHW FIL1 DS X KEYLEN DS AL1 own key-length BUFF5 DS CL5 buffer for unpack RECSIZ DS H own record-size OWNFLAGS DS X own flags ACCSAME EQU X'80' access-method=same KEYSTD EQU X'40' key-length=std RECSAME EQU X'20' record-size=same RECVAR EQU X'10' =variable NOPASS EQU X'08' no password. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* STA#OUT DS 0F CMDSTA output ORG *+XMDMEML length from CMDMEM OUTPUT CMDTA MF=L,MAXLEN=400 CMDRST output *---------------------------------------------------------------------* END KOP
Compiling, linking and testing the program
The source program KOP shown above is located in the file KOP.SRC. In the following it is compiled, linked and tested.
| |
| ||
%//(source-print=*with-object-code(print-statements=*accept),- | (2) | |
| ||
%//start-llm-creation internal-name=kop ——————————————————————————————— %//include-module *lib(lib=kop.lib,elem=kop,type=r) ——————————————————— %//resolve-by-autolink $.syslib.sdf.045 %//resolve-by-autolink $loader.sysoml.bs2000-ga.14.0a | (3) |
A task is initiated under the user ID SDFUSR.
The program must be assembled with ASSEMBH as it contains the new macros CMDTA, CMDCST and CMDRST. The source program with the program segments shown above is located under the name KOP.SRC as a type S member in the library KOP.LIB. The SDF macros are in the macro library $SYSLIB.SDF.048. The generated object module is to be stored in the library KOP.LIB under the member name KOP.
The linkage editor BINDER is instructed to create a link and load module (LLM) with the internal name KOP.
The linkage editor is instructed to read the object module KOP generated in step 2 and include it in the LLM.
%//save-llm lib=kop.lib,elem=kop —————————————————————————————————————— (5)
% BND1501 LLM FORMAT: '1'
/mod-sdf-options synt-file=*add(sdf.kop.syntax) ——————————————————————— (6)
/start-exe *lib-elem(lib=kop.lib,elem=kop) ———————————————————————————— (7)
% BLS0524 LLM 'KOP', VERSION ' ' OF '2001-10-10 14:00:22' LOADED
%//mod-sdf-opt guid=*n ———————————————————————————————————————————————— (8)
%STMT:cop-f testdat.sv,pass=*secr ————————————————————————————————————— (9)
%STMT:cop-f testdat.if,testdat.cop.2(acc-m=?) ————————————————————————— (10)
The executable LLM is stored under the name KOP (as a member of type L) in the library KOP.LIB.
The user syntax file SDF.KOP.SYNTAX, in which the statements for the program KOP are defined, is activated.
The program KOP is started.The command used here, START-EXECUTABLE-PROGRAM, is available in BLSSERV V2.3 and higher (the START-PROGRAM command with RUN-MODE=*ADVANCED is to be used if necessary).
User guidance is set to NO.
Case 1: The COPY-FILE statement is entered without the mandatory operand TO-FILE. Input of the password is to be blanked. SDF requests input of the password and the missing operand.
Case 2: The COPY-FILE statement is entered without the required password. Further information on the ACCESS-METHOD operand is requested. SDF provides the information and requests entry of the password.
%STMT:cop-f testdat.iv,testdat.cop.3(?) ——————————————————————————————— (11)Case 3: The COPY-FILE statement is entered without the required password. Further information on the structure that introduces the file name of the output file is requested via the question mark. This causes a switch to temporarily guided dialog. SDF displays the desired information in the operand form and then requests the required password.
%STMT:? ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— (12)
%CMD:exit-jobThe question mark indicates the switch to temporarily guided dialog. SDF displays a menu listing the available statements. These include the standard statements. The STEP statement is not available in interactive mode. Entering the digit 2 selects the END statement and thus terminates the program.