The MODIFY-CMD statement is used to modify the definition of a command in the open syntax file. The command must be the “current” object (see "ADD-OPERAND Define operand"). Afterwards the first operand of the command is the “current” object.
The MODIFY-CMD statement is very similar to the ADD-CMD statement. The default value for all operands of the MODIFY-CMD statement is *UNCHANGED, i.e. only those parts of a command definition that are explicitly specified are modified. In guided dialog the operand form displays the current operand assignment instead of *UNCHANGED. When a value other than *UNCHANGED is specified for a MODIFY-CMD operand, the old specifications in the command definition are replaced by the new ones. This also applies if a list can be specified, i.e. instead of being added to the value list, the specified value replaces it. There is a special rule for STANDARD-NAME. When the command to be modified is defined in an assigned reference file (see OPEN-SYNTAX-FILE), the old entries for STANDARD-NAME are retained and the name specified with MODIFY-CMD is added to them.
With the exception of the RESULT-INTERNAL-NAME, all names given to the command must be unique with respect to the complete set of commands.
Definitions of the operands and operand values pertaining to the command are modified by means of the MODIFY-OPERAND or MODIFY-VALUE statement, rather than by means of the MODIFY-CMD statement.
NAME = *UNCHANGED / <structured-name 1..30> ,RESULT-INTERNAL-NAME = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / <alphanum-name 1..8> ,STANDARD-NAME = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(2000): *NAME / <structured-name 1..30> ,ALIAS-NAME = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> ,MINIMAL-ABBREVIATION = *UNCHANGED / *NO / <structured-name 1..30> ,HELP = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(2000): <name 1..1>(...) <name 1..1>(...)
,DOMAIN = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> ,IMPLEMENTOR = *UNCHANGED / *PROCEDURE(...) / *TPR(...) / *APPLICATION(...) / *BY-TPR(...) *PROCEDURE(...) *BY-IMON(...) LOGICAL-ID = *UNCHANGED / <filename 1..30 without-cat-user-gen-vers> ,CALL-TYPE = *UNCHANGED / *CALL-PROCEDURE / *INCLUDE-PROCEDURE / *ENTER-PROCEDURE ,CALL-OPTIONS = *UNCHANGED / *NONE / <c-string 1..1800 with-low> ,UNLOAD-PROGRAM = *UNCHANGED / *NO / *YES *TPR(...) ENTRY = *UNCHANGED / <name 1..8> *ISL(...) ,CMD-INTERFACE = *UNCHANGED / *STRING(...) / *TRANSFER-AREA(...) / *NEW(...) *STRING(...)
*TRANSFER-AREA(...) MAX-STRUC-OPERAND = *UNCHANGED / *STD / <integer 1..3000> *NEW(...) MAX-STRUC-OPERAND = *UNCHANGED / *STD / <integer 1..3000> ,LOGGING= *UNCHANGED / *BY-SDF / *BY-IMPLEMENTOR *APPLICATION(...) LOGGING = *UNCHANGED / *BY-SDF / *BY-IMPLEMENTOR *BY-TPR(...) TPR-CMD = *UNCHANGED / <structured-name 1..30> ,REMOVE-POSSIBLE = *UNCHANGED / *YES / *NO ,DIALOG-ALLOWED= *UNCHANGED / *YES(...) / *NO(...) *YES(...) PRIVILEGE= *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> *NO(...) PRIVILEGE= *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> ,DIALOG-PROC-ALLOWED = *UNCHANGED / *YES(...) / *NO(...) *YES(...) PRIVILEGE= *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> *NO(...) PRIVILEGE= *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> ,GUIDED-ALLOWED= *UNCHANGED / *YES(...) / *NO(...) *YES(...) PRIVILEGE= *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> *NO(...) PRIVILEGE= *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> ,BATCH-ALLOWED = *UNCHANGED / *YES(...) / *NO(...) *YES(...) PRIVILEGE= *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> *NO(...) PRIVILEGE= *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> ,BATCH-PROC-ALLOWED = *UNCHANGED / *YES(...) / *NO(...) *YES(...) PRIVILEGE= *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> *NO(...) PRIVILEGE= *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> ,CMD-ALLOWED = *UNCHANGED / *NO(...) / *YES(...) *NO(...) PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> *YES(...) UNLOAD = *UNCHANGED / *YES / *NO PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> ,NEXT-INPUT = *UNCHANGED / *CMD / *STMT / *DATA / *ANY ,PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *ALL / *EXCEPT(...) / *ADD(...) / *REMOVE(...) / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> *EXCEPT(...)
NAME = *UNCHANGED / <structured-name 1..30>
(External) command name to be specified when the command is entered. In contrast to STANDARD-NAME and ALIAS-NAME, the user may abbreviate this name when entering the command.
RESULT-INTERNAL-NAME = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / <alphanum-name 1..8>
This operand is of significance only for some of the commands implemented via system modules. Implementation via system modules is reserved for Fujitsu System Software Development. For this reason, the RESULT-INTERNAL-NAME operand is not described here.
STANDARD-NAME = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(2000): *NAME / <structured-name 1..30>
Additional external command name, which may be alternatively used when entering the command. It must not be abbreviated when entered. In contrast to an ALIAS-NAME, a STANDARD-NAME must not be deleted so long as the command with this name exists in one of the assigned reference syntax files (see OPEN-SYNTAX-FILE). If the original external name given in the documentation for a command is declared to be its standard name, it is thereby ensured that the command can be entered using the original name, regardless of any name changes. Specifying *NAME causes SDF-A to take as STANDARD-NAME the external command name entered for the NAME operand.
ALIAS-NAME = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
Additional external command name, which can be alternatively used when the command is entered. It must not be abbreviated when entered. In contrast to a STANDARD-NAME, an ALIAS-NAME may be deleted.
MINIMAL-ABBREVIATION = *NO / <structured-name 1..30>
Additional external command name which defines the shortest permissible abbreviation for the command. Any shorter abbreviation will not be accepted, even if it is unambiguous with respect to other commands.
The following should be noted:
Checking against the minimum abbreviation is carried out only after SDF has checked the input for ambiguity. It may thus happen that SDF selects the correct command but then rejects it because the abbreviation entered is shorter than the specified minimum abbreviation.
The minimum abbreviation must be derived from the command name (NAME).
The ALIAS-NAMEs and STANDARD-NAMEs of the command must not be shorter than the minimum abbreviation if they are an abbreviation of the command name.
The minimum abbreviation may only be shortened - not lengthened - within a syntax file hierarchy.
Specifies whether there are help texts for the command, and if so, what those texts are.
No change with regard to help texts.
There are no help texts.
HELP = list-poss(2000): <name 1..1>(...)
There are help texts in the specified languages (E = English, D = German). SDF uses the language specified for message output.
TEXT = *UNCHANGED / <c-string 1..500 with-low>
Help text. UNCHANGED is permissible only if there is already a help text defined for the language key.
The help text can contain the special character string “\n” for line breaks.
DOMAIN = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
Specifies whether the command is assigned to a domain, and if so, to which one.
Specifies how the command is implemented.
No change with regard to the implementation of the command.
The command is implemented via a procedure. Entering the command causes the procedure to be called.
NAME = *UNCHANGED / <c-string 1..280> / *BY-IMON(...)
Name of the file containing the procedure.
NAME = <c-string 1..280>
Name of the file containing the procedure. If SDF-P is loaded, the name of a list variable containing the procedure may also be specified. A variable can be specified in the form ’*VARIABLE(VARIABLE-NAME=varname)’.
Library elements can be specified with ’*LIBRARY-ELEMENT(LIBRARY=library,ELEMENT=element)’
If ’library(element)’ is specified, the value of CALL-OPTIONS is ignored. This notation should therefore no longer be used.
It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the string to specify the container of the procedure is correctly constructed. Errors made at this position can only be detected when the newly defined command is first called.
NAME = *BY-IMON(...)
The name of the procedure or of the library that contains this procedure as a library element is provided by calling IMON-GPN, the installation path manager (see the “IMON” manual [13]).
LOGICAL-ID = *UNCHANGED / <filename 1..30 without-cat-user-gen-vers>
Logical name of the procedure or of the library that contains this procedure as a library element for implementing the commands, e.g. SYSSPR.
INSTALLATION-UNIT = *UNCHANGED /<text 1..30 without-sep>
Name of the installation unit, e.g. SDF-A.
VERSION = *UNCHANGED / *STD / <product-version>
Version of the installation unit (see also “product-version” and ).
If *STD is specified, the version selected using the SELECT-PRODUCT-VERSION command is used. If this command has not yet been carried out for the relevant installation unit, the highest version is used.
DEFAULT-PATH-NAME = *UNCHANGED / <filename 1..54>
Full file name of a procedure which is called if IMON-GPN is not available or if LOGICAL-ID, INSTALLATION-UNIT or VERSION is not known in the system. If the procedure is stored in a library element, then the file name specified here designates the library from which the procedure specified in the ELEMENT operand is called.
In the case of other errors, the command is rejected with an error message, i.e. the specified procedure is not called.
ELEMENT = *UNCHANGED / *NONE / <composed-name 1..64>
Specifies if the procedure is stored in a library element.
ELEMENT = <composed-name 1..64>
Name of the library element that contains the procedure. The element name is passed to IMON-GPN.
Defines whether the command procedure is called with CALL-PROCEDURE, INCLUDE-PROCEDURE or ENTER-PROCEDURE. CALL-PROCEDURE and ENTER-PROCEDURE can be used to call S procedures as well as non-S procedures; INCLUDE-PROCEDURE can only be used to call S procedures (see also the manuals “SDF-P” [12] and “Commands” [4]).
To call the command procedure with
the command must be defined as follows:
CALL-OPTIONS = *UNCHANGED / *NONE / <c-string 1..1800 with-low>
Specifies a string containing additional operands (e.g. LOGGING) for the procedure call (using CALL-/INCLUDE-/ENTER-PROCEDURE) in the following format: CALL-OPTIONS=’operandx=valuex,operandy=valuey, ...’
. This character string must not contain the PROCEDURE-PARAMETERS operand of the CALL-/INCLUDE-/ENTER-PROCEDURE command.
Specifies if a program is to be unloaded when the command defined in the NAME operand is executed in the program via the CMD macro.
The procedure called may not contain any commands defined with CMD-ALLOWED= *YES(UNLOAD=*YES), and in particular no TU program may be called in the procedure.
The command is implemented via system modules. This alternative for implementing commands is reserved for Fujitsu System Software Development. For this reason, the structure *TPR(...) is not described here.
The command is generated by a $CONSOLE application. This option is reserved for system administration. The prerequisites for its use are described in the manual “Introductory Guide to Systems Support” [6]. The required commands CONNECT-CMD-SERVER and DISCONNECT-CMD-SERVER are detailed in the “Commands” [4] manual.
The operand is reserved for Fujitsu System Software Development. For this reason, it is not described here.
An existing command serves as the basis for the new command.
TPR-CMD = *UNCHANGED / <structured-name 1..30>
Name of a command defined with IMPLEMENTOR=*TPR(...) which is known in the syntax hierarchy (see for an example).
Specifies whether the command may be deleted (see REMOVE). If the command has been defined with REMOVE-POSSIBLE=*NO in one of the assigned reference syntax files (see OPEN-SYNTAX-FILE), SDF-A rejects a change to *YES.
Specifies whether the command is allowed in interactive mode.
The command is allowed in interactive mode for all user tasks which have at least one of the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is allowed for all user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command is allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the PRIVILEGE operand on ).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is allowed only for user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined in this list.
The command is not allowed in interactive mode for user tasks which have only the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command is not allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the EXCEPT-PRIVILEGE operand on ).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges defined in this list. If a user task has at least one privilege that is not included in this list, it may execute the command.
Specifies whether the command is allowed in interactive mode within a procedure.
The command is allowed in interactive mode within a procedure for all user tasks which have at least one of the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is allowed for all user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command is allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the PRIVILEGE operand).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is allowed only for user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined in this list.
The command is not allowed in interactive mode within a procedure for user tasks which have only the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *ALL / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command is not allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the EXCEPT-PRIVILEGE operand on ).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges defined in this list. If a user task has at least one privilege that is not included in this list, it may execute the command.
Specifies whether the command is allowed in guided dialog.
The command is allowed in guided dialog for all user tasks which have at least one of the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is allowed for all user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command is allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the PRIVILEGE operand on ).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is allowed only for user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined in this list.
The command is not allowed in guided dialog for user tasks which have only the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command is not allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the EXCEPT-PRIVILEGE operand on ).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges defined in this list. If a user task has at least one privilege that is not included in this list, it may execute the command.
Specifies whether the command is allowed in batch mode.
The command is allowed in batch mode for all user tasks which have at least one of the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is allowed for all user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command is allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the PRIVILEGE operand on ).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is allowed only for user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined in this list.
The command is not allowed in batch mode for user tasks which have only the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command is not allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the EXCEPT-PRIVILEGE operand on ).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges defined in this list. If a user task has at least one privilege that is not included in this list, it may execute the command.
Specifies whether the command is allowed in batch mode within a procedure.
The command is allowed in batch mode within a procedure for all user tasks which have at least one of the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is allowed for all user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command is allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the PRIVILEGE operand on ).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is allowed only for user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined in this list.
The command is not allowed in batch mode within a procedure for user tasks which have only the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command is not allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the EXCEPT-PRIVILEGE operand on ).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges defined in this list. If a user task has at least one privilege that is not included in this list, it may execute the command.
Specifies whether the command can be called with the CMD macro.
No change with regard to calling the command with the CMD macro.
The command can be called with the CMD macro. Calling with the CMD macro is allowed for all user tasks which have at least one of the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE. Possible restrictions as to the permissible modes of operation (DIALOG-ALLOWED, DIALOG-PROC-ALLOWED, BATCH-ALLOWED, BATCH-PROC-ALLOWED) do not apply when the command is called with the CMD macro.
Specifies whether the calling program is to be unloaded. For commands implemented via a command procedure the calling program is always unloaded.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command call is allowed for all user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command call is allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the PRIVILEGE operand on ).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command call is allowed only for user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined in this list.
The command cannot be called with the CMD macro by any user task which has only the privileges specified for PRIVILEGE.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command call is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges specified here (possible privileges are listed in the “SECOS” manual [10]).
The command call is not allowed for all user tasks with exactly the same privileges as those defined for the command itself (see the EXCEPT-PRIVILEGE operand).
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
The command is not allowed for user tasks with the privileges defined in this list. If a user task has at least one privilege that is not included in this list, it may execute the command.
Specifies what type of input is expected to follow the command. SDF needs this specification in order to conduct the guided dialog.
No change with regard to the subsequent input.
A command is expected as the next entry. SDF interprets input in the NEXT field of the guided dialog as a command.
A statement is expected as the next entry. SDF interprets input in the NEXT field of the guided dialog as a statement. Example: a command implemented by means of a procedure starts a program whose first step is to read in a statement.
Data is expected as the next entry. SDF interprets input in the NEXT field of the guided dialog as data. Example: a command implemented by means of a procedure starts a program whose first step is to read in data.
It is not possible to predict what kind of input will follow.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *ALL / *EXCEPT(...) / *ADD(...) / *REMOVE(...) /list-poss(64):
<structured-name 1..30>
Specifies the privileges assigned to the command.
All privileges currently defined and all subsequently defined privileges are assigned to the command.
With the exception of those defined with *EXCEPT(...), all privileges currently defined and all subsequently defined privileges are assigned to the command.
EXCEPT-PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
Specifies the privileges that are not assigned to the command.
The privileges specified with *ADD(...) are assigned to the command in addition to the privileges already assigned to it.
ADD-PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
Specifies which additional privileges are to be assigned to the command.
The privileges specified with *REMOVE(...) are removed from the command.
REMOVE-PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
Specifies which privileges are to be removed from the command.
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
Only the privileges specified in this list are assigned to the command.