The MODIFY-VALUE statement is used to modify the definition of an operand value in the syntax file being processed. The operand value must be the current object (see ADD-OPERAND).
If the value introduces a structure, the first operand of the structure then becomes the current object. Otherwise, it is a question of whether there are still more values defined for the operand to which the modified value belongs. If there are, then the next value belonging to the operand becomes the current object. If there are no further values, then the next operand in the command or statement structure becomes the current object. If the last value of a structure is changed, the value following the one introducing the structure becomes the current object. If this value is missing, the subsequent operand becomes the current object.
The MODIFY-VALUE statement is very similar to the ADD-VALUE statement. The default value for all operands for MODIFY-VALUE is *UNCHANGED, i.e. only those parts of an operand value definition that are explicitly specified are modified. In guided dialog the operand form displays the current operand assignment rather than *UNCHANGED. When a value other than *UNCHANGED is specified for a MODIFY-VALUE operand, the old specifications in the operand value definition to be modified are replaced by the new ones. This also applies if a list is possible, i.e. instead of being added to the value list, the specified value replaces it. There is a special rule for STANDARD-NAME. When the operand value to be modified is defined in an assigned reference file (see OPEN-SYNTAX-FILE), the old entries for STANDARD-NAME are retained and the name specified with MODIFY-VALUE is added to them.
All names given to the operand value must be unique with regard to its environment.
Specifies the data type of the operand value. The various values defined for an operand must not be mutually exclusive with respect to the data type. (If this is not possible in exceptional cases, the value YES must be specified for VALUE-OVERLAPPING in the ADD-OPERAND or MODIFY-OPERAND statement.) Otherwise it is not possible, for example, to define a value of the type NAME for an operand together with an alternative value of the type STRUCTURED-NAME. Only the data type KEYWORD may be specified in more than one alternative operand value definition. When a command or statement is entered, SDF checks whether an operand value entered is of the type defined for it. In the following descriptions of the data types, the term “alphanumeric character” is used repeatedly. This may be a letter (A, B, C, ..., Z), a digit (0, 1, 2, ..., 9) or a special character (@, #, $).
No change with respect to the data type.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type ALPHANUMERIC-NAME. This is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..255>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).
LONGEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..255>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).
Specifies whether wildcards (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5) may be used in place of characters/strings within the name when the command or statement is entered.
No wildcards are allowed when entering the operand value.
Wildcards may be used.
Specifies whether the string can be a wildcard selector or wildcard constructor. Wildcard constructors are used to build names from strings generated with the aid of a wildcard selector.
The string can be a wildcard selector; the data type receives the suffix with-wild (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
The string can be a wildcard constructor; the data type receives the suffixwith-wild-constr (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard (selector or constructor).
The maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard (selector or constructor) is the same as the length specified by the LONGEST-LENGTH operand (for reasons of compatibility).
LONGEST-LOGICAL-LEN = <integer 1..255>
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type CAT-ID, defined as a sequence of up to 4 characters (without “:” delimiters) from the ranges A-Z and 0-9; the special characters $, @ and # are not permitted. A four-character catalog ID must not begin with the string ’PUB’.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type COMMAND-REST. This data type is provided only for special purposes for Fujitsu System Software Development and is therefore not described here.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type COMPOSED-NAME. This data type is very similar to the data type FILENAME, with the following differences:
catid, userid, version, generation and wildcard are not permitted
the length is not restricted to 54 characters
there does not need to be a letter in the name.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..1800>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).LONGEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..1800>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).UNDERSCORE = *UNCHANGED / *NO / *YES
Specifies whether an underscore character (_) is accepted.WILDCARD = *UNCHANGED / *NO / *YES(...)
Specifies whether wildcards (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5) may be used in place of characters/strings within the name when the command or statement is entered.WILDCARD = *NO
No wildcards are allowed when entering the operand value.WILDCARD = *YES(...)
Wildcards may be used.
Specifies whether the string can be a wildcard selector (search pattern) or wildcard constructor. Wildcard constructors are used to build names from strings generated with the aid of a wildcard selector.
The string can be a wildcard selector; the data type receives the suffix with-wild (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
The string can be a wildcard constructor; the data type receives the suffix with-wildconstr (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard (selector or constructor).
The maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard is the same as the length specified by the LONGEST-LENGTH operand (for reasons of compatibility).
LONGEST-LOGICAL-LEN = <integer 1..1800>
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type C-STRING. This is defined as a sequence of EBCDIC characters, enclosed in single quotes. It may be prefixed with the letter C. A single quote as a value within the limiting apostrophes must be specified twice.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..1800>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).
LONGEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..1800>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).
Specifies whether lowercase letters within the apostrophes are retained.
TYPE = *DATE(...)
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type DATE. This is defined as a sequence of one four-digit number and two two-digit numbers joined together by hyphens (<year>-<month>-<day>). The year may also be specified with two digits instead of four.
Specifies whether a two-digit year specification is to be extended. If *YES is specified, SDF extends two-digit year specifications (in the form yy-mm-dd) as follows:
20yy-mm-dd if yy < 60
19yy-mm-dd if yy
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type DEVICE. In guided dialog, the user is offered a list of the disk or tape devices available in the system for operands whose value is defined with the data type DEVICE (see the manual “System Installation” [9]).
CLASS-TYPE = *UNCHANGED / list-poss(2000): *DISK(...) / *TAPE(...)
Specifies the class type of the device.
The class type of the device is disk.
EXCEPT = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(50): <text 1..8 without-sep>
Specifies the disks that will not appear in the list of available devices.
Specifies whether all the disks appear in the list of available devices or only the standard disks specified by DMS (see the “Introductory Guide to DMS“ [7]). In BS2000/OSD-BC < V3.0, SCOPE=*ALL is always valid.
All disks appear in the list.
Only disks which are specified in DMS as standard appear in the list.
The class type of the device is tape.
EXCEPT = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(50): <text 1..8 without-sep>
Specifies the devices that will not appear in the list of available devices.
Specifies whether an alias is allowed for the device.
Specifies whether the volume type is accepted.
Specifies the format in which SDF passes information to the implementation.
SDF outputs the external device name. The external device name is 8 characters in length.
SDF outputs the internal device code. The internal device code is 2 bytes long.
TYPE = *FIXED(...)
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type FIXED. This is defined as follows:
[sign] is + or –
[digits] are 0..9
FIXED must consist of at least one digit; it must not exceed 10 characters (digits and a ’.’). The value is stored in the standardized transfer area in the following format:
n : 1 byte for the number of digits after the period | |
4 bytes for the fixed- point number * 10n |
LOWEST = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <fixed -2147483648 .. 2147483647>.
Specifies whether there is a lower limit for the fixed value, and if so, what this limit is.
HIGHEST = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <fixed -2147483648 .. 2147483647>
Specifies whether there is an upper limit for the fixed value, and if so, what this limit is.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type FILENAME. The definition of the string to be entered is the one given in the “Introductory Guide to DMS” [7 (Related publications)] for fully qualified file names.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..80>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).
LONGEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..80>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).
Specifies whether the catalog ID may be specified as part of the file name.
Specifies whether the user ID may be specified as part of the file name.
Specifies whether a generation number may be specified as part of the file name.
Specifies whether a version identifier may be specified as part of the file name.
Specifies whether wildcards (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5) may be used in place of characters/strings within the name when the command or statement is entered.
No wildcards are allowed when entering the operand value.
Wildcards may be used.
The data type <filename x..y with-wild> also contains partially qualified file names, i.e. it is not necessary to define an additional value of the data type <partial-filename> for the operand.
Specifies whether the string can be a wildcard selector (search pattern) or wildcard constructor. Wildcard constructors are used to build names from strings generated with the aid of a wildcard selector.
The string can be a wildcard selector; the data type receives the suffix with-wild (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
The string can be a wildcard constructor; the data type receives the suffix with-wild-constr (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
<integer 1..80>
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard (selector or constructor).
The maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard is the same as the length specified by the LONGEST-LENGTH operand (for reasons of compatibility).
LONGEST-LOGICAL-LEN = <integer 1..80>
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard.
Specifies whether the file name is extended to a full path name upon transfer to the implementation. This includes the substitution of aliases by means of the ACS function. PATH-COMPLETION=*YES may only be specified if CATALOG-ID and USER-ID are permitted and if wildcards are not permitted in the file name.
Specifies whether temporary file names are permitted.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type INTEGER. This is defined as a sequence of digits which may be preceded by a sign.
LOWEST = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer -2 147 483648..2 147 483647>
Specifies whether there is a lower limit for the integer, and if so, what that lower limit is.
HIGHEST = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer -2 147 483648..2 147 483647>
Specifies whether there is an upper limit for the integer, and if so, what that upper limit is.
Specifies the form in which the integer is to be passed by SDF to the implementation. If passed in a transfer area (see section “Format of the standardized transfer area”), SDF-A converts *STD to *BINARY. If a string is passed (commands defined with IMPLEMENTOR=*PROCEDURE or IMPLEMENTOR=*TPR (...,CMD-INTERFACE=*STRING,...); see ADD-CMD), SDF-A converts OUT-FORM=*STD to *CHAR.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type INTEGER. This is defined as a sequence of digits, which may be preceded by a sign.
LOWEST = <long-integer -9223372036854775808..9223372036854775807>
Specifies whether there is a lower limit for the integer, and if so, what that lower limit is. If unspecified -9223372036854775808 is assumed.
HIGHEST = <long-integer -9223372036854775808..9223372036854775807>
Specifies whether there is an upper limit for the integer, and if so, what that upper limit is. If unspecified 9223372036854775807 is assumed.
Specifies the form in which the integer is to be passed by SDF to the implementation. If passed in a transfer area (see section 6.3, “Format of the standardized transfer area”), SDF-A converts *STD to *BINARY. If a string is passed (commands defined with IMPLEMENTOR=*PROCEDURE(...) or IMPLEMENTOR=*TPR (...,CMD-INTERFACE-*STRING,...); see ADD-CMD), SDF-A converts OUT-FORM=*STD to *CHAR. If the integer is passed in BINARY format, SDF creates 8 bytes (see the OUTPUT operand). If the integer is passed in *PACKED format, SDF creates 16 bytes. For *CHAR and *UNPACKED, at least 1 byte is created.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type *KEYWORD. This is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters. This character string may be subdivided into several substrings, joined together by hyphens. Substrings may contains periods, but the periods must not be at the beginning or the end of the substring. The entire string, or, as the case may be, the first substring, must begin with a letter or special character. The value range for an operand value of the type *KEYWORD is limited to one or a finite number of precisely defined individual values (see the VALUE operand of this statement).
From SDF-A/SDF Version 2.0 onwards, the value ’*...’ is also accepted. This value can be used where a list of keywords has to be defined for an operand (e.g. the definition for all external devices). This permits new keywords (e.g. new device names) to be inserted without having to modify the syntax file, since ’*...’ causes SDF to accept additional values and to analyze them as keywords. The data type *KEYWORD may be up to 30 characters long.
Specifies whether the string must be preceded by an asterisk when entered.
No change with respect to the asterisk.
An asterisk may be prefixed, but need not be. If an asterisk is prefixed, it is suppressed when the operand value is passed to the implementation.
An asterisk must be prefixed (necessary in order to distinguish between alternative data types).
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type KEYWORD-NUMBER. This data type is provided only for special purposes for Fujitsu System Software Development and is therefore not described here.
No change with respect to the asterisk.
An asterisk may be prefixed, but need not be.
An asterisk must be prefixed (necessary in order to distinguish between alternative data types).
TYPE = *LABEL(...)
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type LABEL. This data type is provided only for special purposes for Fujitsu System Software Development and is therefore not described here.
TYPE = *NAME(...)
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type NAME. This is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter or special character.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..255>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).
LONGEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..255>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).
Specifies whether an underscore character (_) is accepted.
Specifies whether lowercase characters are retained.
Specifies whether wildcards (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5) may be used in place of characters/strings within the name when the command or statement is entered.
No wildcards are allowed when entering the operand value.
Wildcards may be used.
Specifies whether the string can be a wildcard selector or wildcard constructor. Wildcard constructors are used to build names from strings generated with the aid of a wildcard selector.
The string can be a wildcard selector; the data type receives the suffix with-wild (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
The string can be a wildcard constructor; the data type receives the suffixwith-wild-constr (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard (selector or constructor).
The maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard is the same as the length specified by the LONGEST-LENGTH operand (for reasons of compatibility).
LONGEST-LOGICAL-LEN = <integer 1..255>
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type PARTIAL-FILENAME. The definition of the string to be entered is the one given in the “Introductory Guide to DMS” [7 (Related publications)] for partially qualified file names.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 2..79>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).
LONGEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 2..79>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).
Specifies whether the catalog ID may be specified as part of the file name.
Specifies whether the user ID may be specified as part of the file name.
Specifies whether wildcards (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5) may be used in place of characters/strings within the name when the command or statement is entered.
No wildcards are allowed when entering the operand value.
Wildcards may be used.
Specifies whether the string can be a wildcard selector (search pattern) or wildcard constructor. Wildcard constructors are used to build names from strings generated with the aid of a wildcard selector.
The string can be a wildcard selector; the data type receives the suffix with-wild (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
The string can be a wildcard constructor; the data type receives the suffixwith-wild-constr (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
<integer 2..79>
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard (selector and constructor).
The maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard is the same as the length specified by the LONGEST-LENGTH operand (for reasons of compatibility).
LONGEST-LOGICAL-LEN = <integer 2..79>
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard.
Defines the data type of the operand value as POSIX-PATHNAME. The string entered here must comply with the conventions below:
The following characters are allowed: letters, digits, and the characters ‘_’, ‘-’, ‘.’,and ‘/’ (the ‘/’ always serves as a delimiter between directories and file names). Control characters are not allowed.
A POSIX-PATHNAME consists of POSIX-FILENAMEs, separated by ’/’. The total length of a POSIX-PATHNAME must not exceed 1023 characters.
A ́\ ́(backslash) is used to escape metacharacters in all POSIX-specific names; the backslash character itself is not included when counting the length. The metacharacter * is likewise excluded from the count.
Metacharacters are characters used in wildcard patterns. The following metacharacters may be used:
* ? [S] [!S] where S | matches zero, one, or any number of characters matches any single character matches any single character from the defined character set S matches any single character that is not an element of the defined a set of fixed characters (e.g. abcd) or |
POSIX-PATHNAMEs which contain characters other than those listed above or which begin with a ’?’ or ’!’ must be enclosed within single quotes on input (as in the case of C-STRINGs). Since the single quotes are not a part of the file name, they are removed by SDF in the standardized transfer area or the transferred string. Single quotes that are part of a file name must be duplicated.
To avoid compatibility problems, the C-string syntax should always be used in procedures.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *ANY / <integer 1..1023>
Specifies whether the character string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).
LONGEST-LENGTH = *ANY / <integer 1..1023>
Specifies whether the character string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).
Defines whether metacharacters (see above) may be specified in the name (instead of characters/strings) when entering a command or statement.
Defines the data type of the operand value as POSIX-FILENAME. The string to be entered here must comply with the conventions listed for POSIX-PATHNAMEs (see "ADD-VALUE Define operand value"f), but with the following restrictions:
the slash (/) is not allowed
the maximum length is limited to 255 characters.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *ANY / <integer 1..255>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).LONGEST-LENGTH = *ANY / <integer 1..255>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).WILDCARD = *YES / *NO
Defines whether metacharacters (see POSIX-PATHNAME) may be specified in the name (instead of characters/strings) when entering a command or statement.
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type PRODUCT-VERSION. The product version has the following format:
C, V and the apostrophe are optional characters and are suppressed in the SDF transfer area.
Specifies whether the release status of the user interface can or must be specified.
The release status of the user interface and the correction state must not be specified. Specifications for the data type PRODUCT-VERSION then have the following format:[[C]’][V][m]m.n[’].
The release status of the user interface must be specified.
Indicates whether the correction state can or must be specified.
The correction state must be specified. Specifications for the data type
PRODUCT-VERSION then have the following format:
The correction state must not be specified. Specifications for the data type PRODUCT-VERSION then have the following format:
The correction state can be specified.
The release status of the user interface can be specified.
Indicates whether the correction state can or must be specified.
The correction state can be specified.
The correction state must not be specified. Specifications for the data type PRODUCT-VERSION then have the following format:
The correction state must be specified. Specifications for the data type
PRODUCT-VERSION then have the following format:
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type STRUCTURED-NAME. This is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters. This string may be subdivided into several substrings, joined together by hyphens. The entire string, or, as the case may be, the first substring, must begin with a letter or special character.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..255>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).
LONGEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..255>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).
Specifies whether wildcards (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5) may be used in place of characters/strings within the name when the command or statement is entered.
No wildcards are allowed when entering the operand value.
Wildcards may be used.
Specifies whether the character string can be a wildcard selector (search pattern) or wildcard constructor. Wildcard constructors are used to build names from strings generated with the aid of a wildcard selector.
The string can be a wildcard selector; the data type receives the suffix with-wild (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
The string can be a wildcard constructor; the data type receives the suffixwith-wild-constr (see the description of the SDF metasyntax in section 1.5).
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard (selector or constructor).
The maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard is the same as the length specified by the LONGEST-LENGTH operand (for reasons of compatibility).
LONGEST-LOGICAL-LEN = <integer 1..255>
Specifies the maximum length of the name matched by the wildcard.
TYPE = *TEXT(...)
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type TEXT. This data type is provided only for special purposes for Fujitsu System Software Development and is therefore not described here.
TYPE = *TIME(...)
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type TIME. This is defined as a sequence of one, two or three unsigned numbers, joined together by colons (<hours>[:<minutes>[:<seconds>]]). The specifications for hours, minutes and seconds must not contain more than two digits. Numbers with less digits may be preceded by leading zeros. The value range for minutes and seconds lies between 0 and 59.
Specifies the format that SDF uses to represent numbers in the time specification passed to the implementation.
zxIf the transfer is made in a transfer area (see the section “Format of the standardizedtransfer area”), then the time specification is passed in the binary format. When passing in a string (for commands that are defined with IMPLEMENTOR= *PROCEDURE(...) or IMPLEMENTOR= *TPR(...,CMD-INTERFACE=*STRING,...), see ADD-CMD), the time specification is passed in the character format.
The time specification is passed in the binary format.
The time specification is passed in the character format.
TYPE = *VSN(...)
Specifies that the operand value is of data type VSN. As of V1.4A, SDF is able to distinguish between two types:
VSN with a period:
This VSN must consist of 6 characters. Apart from a single period, only the letters A-Z and the digits 0-9 are accepted. Such a VSN has the format
, where:pvsid
consists of 2 to 4 characters andsequence-number
of 1 to 3 characters.
This subordinate type of VSN must not be preceded by PUB: for example, PUBA.0 or PUB.02 would be invalid. The period may be the third, fourth or fifth character of the VSN.VSN without a period:
This VSN consists of a string of up to 6 characters. Only the letters A-Z, the digits 0-9 and the special characters $, @ and # are allowed. Such a VSN may start with “PUB”. In this case, the subsequent characters must not be special characters (e.g. PUB@1 or PUB$## will be rejected). SDF makes no further distinctions between public or private VSNs or PUBRES.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..6>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).LONGEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..6>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type X-STRING. This is defined as a sequence of hexadecimal characters (digits 0 through 9, capital letters A through F), enclosed in apostrophes. It is prefixed by the letter X.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..1800>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).
LONGEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..1800>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).
TYPE = *X-TEXT(...)
Specifies that the operand value is of the data type X-TEXT. This data type is very similar to the data type X-STRING, but it is not enclosed in single quotes and is not preceded by the letter ’X’.
SHORTEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..3600>
Specifies whether the string must have a minimum length, and if so, what that minimum length is (specified in bytes).
LONGEST-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *ANY / <integer 1..3600>
Specifies whether the string is not to exceed a maximum length, and if so, what that maximum length is (specified in bytes).
Specifies whether an odd number of characters is accepted.
INTERNAL-NAME = *UNCHANGED / *STD / <alphanum-name 1..8>
Internal operand value name. SDF identifies an operand value by means of this name. When *STD is specified, SDF-A takes the first eight characters (omitting hyphens) of the data type specified for the TYPE operand. For operand values of the data type KEYWORD, when *STD is specified SDF-A takes the first eight characters (omitting hyphens) of the first value specified for the VALUE operand.
Specifies whether the operand value may be deleted (see REMOVE). If the operand value has been defined with REMOVE-POSSIBLE=*NO in one of the assigned reference syntax files (see OPEN-SYNTAX-FILE), SDF-A rejects a change to *YES.
Specifies whether the operand value is to be treated as secret. SECRET-PROMPT= *SAME assumes the setting of the operand to which the defined operand value belongs (see ADD-OPERAND ...,SECRET-PROMPT= , "ADD-OPERAND Define operand").The input fields for values of secret operands are kept blank, and logging is suppressed.
If SECRET-PROMPT=*NO is specified, the operand value is not treated as secret.
If a secret operand value is preset to a value that is not secret, the input field is not kept blank. The input field can be kept blank by entering the character ^ or a value defined by OUTPUT=*SECRET-PROMPT.
Specifies whether the operand value is valid in interactive mode. Specifying YES presupposes that the operand to which the value pertains is allowed in dialog mode.
Specifies whether the operand value is allowed in interactive mode within a procedure. Specifying *YES presupposes that the operand to which the value pertains is allowed in interactive mode within a procedure.
Specifies whether the operand value is allowed in guided dialog. Specifying *YES presupposes that the operand to which the value pertains is allowed in guided dialog.
Specifies whether the operand value is allowed in batch mode. Specifying *YES presupposes that the operand to which the value pertains is allowed in batch mode.
Specifies whether the operand value is allowed in batch mode within a procedure. Specifying *YES presupposes that the operand to which the value pertains is allowed in batch mode within a procedure.
Specifies whether the operand value introduces a structure.
No change as far as introducing a structure is concerned.
The operand value does not introduce a structure.
The operand value introduces a structure.
Specifies whether, at the minimum or medium level of guided dialog, the structure is to be integrated into the parent form (*SMALL), or whether a separate form is to be created for it (*LARGE).
Relevant only for statements and for commands defined with IMPLEMENTOR=
*TPR(...,CMD-INTERFACE=*NEW/*TRANSFER-AREA,...) (see ADD-CMD). When *FLAT is specified, the structure is linearized for the implementation in the transfer area, and the operands for the structure are integrated into a higher-ranking operand array. In the *NORMAL case, the structure receives its own operand array. In this array, those operands are passed for which a higher structure level is defined for RESULT-OPERAND-LEVEL than for the operand to which the operand value that introduces a structure and which is defined here pertains (see ADD-OPERAND ..., RESULT-OPERAND-LEVEL=,... and section “Format of the standardized transfer area””).
MAX-STRUC-OPERAND = *UNCHANGED / *STD / <integer 1..3000>
Number of operand positions to be reserved in the structured transfer. If *STD is specified, the operand array will be made as large as necessary for the structure. However, the array may also be made larger to accommodate planned expansions. This operand refers to the structure introduced by the operand value, and is only relevant when *NORMAL was specified for the preceding operand.
Specifies whether a list may be specified for the operand value when the command or statement is entered. This presupposes that the operand to which the value pertains was defined with LIST-POSSIBLE=*YES (see ADD-OPERAND).
Specifies which values are permitted as input.
No change with regard to the permissible input values.
All values corresponding to the operand type are permitted. Limitations exist only insofar as these have been specified in the definition of the operand type (e.g. length restrictions). For operands of the type KEYWORD, *NO is not permitted.
VALUE = list-poss(2000): <c-string 1..1800 with-low>(...)
The operand value must have one of the specified values (mandatory for values of the type KEYWORD). In contrast to the STANDARD-NAME and the ALIAS-NAME, the user may abbreviate this value on input. If the operand value is of the type KEYWORD, specification of a list is not permissible.
STANDARD-NAME = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(2000): *NAME /
<structured-name 1..30> / <c-string 1..30>
Relevant only for operand values of the type KEYWORD. This specifies the standard name of the operand value, and may be alternatively used when entering the command or statement. It must not be abbreviated when entered. In contrast to an ALIAS-NAME, a STANDARD-NAME must not be deleted so long as the operand value with this name exists in one of the assigned reference syntax files (see OPEN-SYNTAX-FILE). If the original individual value, designated a keyword in the command or program documentation, is declared to be the standard name, it is thereby ensured that the operand value can be entered using the original keyword, regardless of any changes. If *NAME is specified, SDF-A takes as STANDARD-NAME the particular value specified for the VALUE operand.
GUIDED-ABBREVIATION = *UNCHANGED / *NAME /<structured-name 1..30> / <c-string 1..30>
Relevant only for operand values of the type KEYWORD. This specifies the name by which SDF identifies the operand value at the medium help level of guided dialog. When *NAME is specified, SDF-A takes as GUIDED-ABBREVIATION the particular value entered for the VALUE operand.
ALIAS-NAME = *UNCHANGED / *NO / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
Relevant only for operand values of the type KEYWORD. This specifies the alias for the operand value, which may be alternatively used when the command is entered. It must not be abbreviated when entered. In contrast to a STANDARD-NAME, an ALIAS-NAME may be deleted.
MINIMAL-ABBREVIATION = *UNCHANGED / *NO / <structured-name 1..30> / <c-string 1..30>
Applies only to operand values of the type KEYWORD and defines the shortest permissible abbreviation for the operand value. Any shorter abbreviation will not be accepted by SDF.
The following should be noted:
Checking against the minimum abbreviation is carried out only after SDF has checked the input for ambiguity. It may thus happen that SDF selects the correct operand value but then rejects it because the abbreviation entered is shorter than the specified minimum abbreviation.
The minimum abbreviation must be derived from the KEYWORD.
The ALIAS-NAMEs and STANDARD-NAMEs of the operand value must not be shorter than the minimum abbreviation if they are abbreviations of the operand value.
The minimum abbreviation may only be shortened - not lengthened - within a syntax file hierarchy.
Relevant only for operand values of the type KEYWORD defined with
STRUCTURE=*YES. This specifies whether the operand value may be omitted preceding the opening structure parentheses when the command or statement is entered, e.g. an operand value introducing a structure when there are no alternative values for the operand.
Specifies which value is passed to the implementation when OUTPUT=*NORMAL applies (see below).
No change with regard to the value to be passed.
The value specified for the VALUE operand is passed.
An empty string is passed.
Transfer of the operand is suppressed.
OUTPUT = <c-string 1..1800>
The value specified here is passed.
OUTPUT = <x-string 1..3600>
The value specified here is passed.
Relevant only for statements and for commands defined with IMPLEMENTOR=*TPR(...,CMD-INTERFACE=*NEW/*TRANSFER-AREA,...) (see ADD-CMD). OUT-TYPE specifies whether SDF changes the data type of the operand value and, if so, how, when the value is stored in the transfer area for the implementation (see section“Format of the standardized transfer area”). If SAME is specified, SDF does not change the data type.
Relevant only for statements and for commands defined with IMPLEMENTOR=
*TPR(...,CMD-INTERFACE=*NEW/*TRANSFER-AREA,...) (see ADD-CMD). OVERWRITE-POSSIBLE specifies whether the operand value entered is overwritten by a value dynamically generated by the implementation (see the DEFAULT operand in the CMDRST and CMDTST macros). One of the existing operand value definitions for the operand must cover the value generated by the implementation. In guided dialog, SDF shows the value generated by the implementation in the form.
Example: The value UNCHANGED in MODIFY statements for SDF-A is overwritten by SDF-A with the current value.
Specifies whether, and if so how, SDF is to pass the operand value entered to the implementation.
No change regarding the transfer of the operand value.
SDF passes the operand value to the implementation. From SDF-A Version 2.0 onwards, the specifications AREA-LENGTH=, LEFT-JUSTIFIED= and FILLER= are no longer restricted to specific operand values.
AREA-LENGTH = *UNCHANGED / *VARIABLE / <integer 1..3000>
Specifies the length of the field in which SDF stores the operand value for the implementation. The field must be large enough to hold the maximum value which can be entered during execution. If the value specified for AREA-LENGTH is less than the value defined for LONGEST-LENGTH, SDF issues a warning and accepts the value specified for AREA-LENGTH.
There are two possible cases when a value that is greater than AREA-LENGTH and less than LONGEST-LENGTH is analyzed:
Values that are of type C-STRING with LONGEST-LENGTH
32 and which are part of a secret operand are compressed by SDF and stored in a hexadecimal string with the length defined for AREA-LENGTH. This behavior is typically used for passwords. The passwords are compressed with the aid of a hash algorithm and are protected against unauthorized access by their hexadecimal storage format.Notes:
The same hash algorithm is used as in the HASH-STRING function provided in SDF-P.
The command server or the program that processes the value analyzed by SDF may need to be adapted if the password definition was changed in order to support hash passwords. The hash value returned by SDF may otherwise be rejected by the semantic analysis module of the program or command server.
- In all other cases, i.e. those which deviate from case 1, the value is truncated to the length specified for AREA-LENGTH.
Relevant only when a fixed length has been defined for the field in which the operand value is stored. LEFT-JUSTIFIED specifies whether SDF stores the operand value in the field left-justified or right-justified. SDF-A changes *STD to *NO for numeric values and to *YES for all other values.
FILLER = *UNCHANGED / *STD / <c-string 1..1> / <x-string 1..2>
Relevant only when a fixed length has been defined for the field in which the operand value is stored. FILLER specifies the character with which SDF pads the field when necessary. SDF-A changes *STD to X’00’ for values of the types X-STRING or INTEGER, and to C’ ’ (blank) for all other values.
Specifies whether SDF converts the operand value into the data type X-STRING or C-STRING for the transfer to the implementation. When *NO is specified, SDF does not change the data type. It must then be borne in mind that, for operand values of the type C-STRING, SDF transfers only the contents of the string (without the apostrophes and the prefixed C). This operand is valid only if VALUE=*NO is specified.
HASH = *UNCHANGED / * NO / * YES(...)
Specifies whether the input value can be converted to a value with a defined length using a hash algorithm.
HASH = *YES(...)
Is only permitted for operand values of the data type C-STRING which are defined with LONGEST-LENGTH <=
The other operands in the structure OUTPUT=*NORMAL(..) do not format the value until after the hash function has been carried out. The value then has the data type X-STRING and may then contain non-printable characters.
OUTPUT-LENGTH = <integer 2..32>
Length of the value to which the input value is changed.
The operand value is not passed to the implementation; instead it causes SDF to request the user to enter one of the alternative values for the operand. The input that follows is then not displayed and is not logged. Prerequisites for this are:
The operand is defined as secret (see ADD-OPERAND...,SECRET-PROMPT=*YES)
Input is made in unguided dialog or in a foreground procedure
A single value is specified as permissible input for the operand value defined with SECRET-PROMPT (see the operand VALUE=<c-string>; normally the value is of the type KEYWORD).
The following case occurs in guided dialog:
The input field for a secret operand which is set to a value which is not secret will not be kept blank. The input field can be kept blank by entering a value defined with OUTPUT=*SECRET-PROMPT.
PRIVILEGE = *UNCHANGED / *SAME / *EXCEPT(...) /list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
Specifies the privileges assigned to the operand value.
The operand value is assigned the same privileges as the operand to which it belongs.
With the exception of those defined with *EXCEPT(...), all privileges currently defined and all subsequently defined privileges are assigned to the operand value.
EXCEPT-PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
Specifies the privileges that are not assigned to the operand value.
PRIVILEGE = list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
Only the privileges specified in this list are assigned to the operand value.