When the parameter file cannot be opened during loading:
If the parameter file cannot be opened when SDF is being loaded, then SDF requests a new parameter file via a console message. When the reply is “*STD“, then SDF activates the file $TSOS.SYSSDF.SDF.210 as the basic system syntax file and the file $TSOS.SYSSDF.BS2CP.<bs2vers> as the subsystem system syntax file. Once SDF has been loaded, the parameter file can be deleted, and a new parameter file can be created by means of the MODIFY-SDF-PARAMETERS statement.
When the basic system syntax file cannot be activated during loading:
If it is not possible to activate the basic system syntax file while loading SDF, an error message is displayed and a new system syntax file is requested. If the operator responds by entering the name of a valid basic system syntax file, the file in question is activated, but its name is not written into the parameter file. If no valid system syntax file has been specified, the loading operation is aborted. In this case the system must be loaded from the backup pubset. If no such pubset is available, then the disks must be restored with FDDRL (see the “FDDRL” manual [8]) or the system may need to be regenerated.
When the system syntax file is not cataloged with USER-ACCESS=*SPECIAL
If a system syntax file is shareable but not cataloged with USER-ACCESS= *SPECIAL, an error message is output and the USER-ACCESS attribute is set to *SPECIAL. If the system syntax file is not shareable, the operator must confirm this attribute change, otherwise the system syntax file cannot be activated.
Basic system syntax file without the MODIFY-SDF-PARAMETERS command
An error message is output if the basic system syntax file does not contain the MODIFY-SDF-PARAMETERS command. In this case, the operator can continue with the loading process, abort it or enter the name of another basic system syntax file.