If LOGGING=*INVARIANT-FORM is specified, logging includes:
all names in the form given in the manuals
all operands appearing in the input, together with their names and the specified values
all optional operands implicitly contained in the input, together with their default values
system-specific command/statement definitions rather than user-specific definitions
only the end result (accepted by SDF) of a correction dialog; inputs made in guided dialog are chained to form a string.
Operand values defined as SECRET as well as masked inputs are replaced with “P” in the log. INVARIANT-FORM produces a log that can easily be used to reconstruct job execution.
If LOGGING=*ACCEPTED-FORM is specified, logging includes:
all names in their unabbreviated form; if SDF-A was used to change a name in the syntax file, the new name will be logged and not the one given in the manuals
all operands appearing in the input, together with their names and the specified values
only the end result (accepted by SDF) of a correction dialog; inputs made in guided dialog are chained to form a string.
Operand values defined as SECRET as well as masked inputs are replaced with “P” in the log. ACCEPTED-FORM produces a log that can still be used to reconstruct job execution.
If LOGGING=*INPUT-FORM is specified, the input strings in unguided dialog are fully logged and SECRET operands are masked out. In guided dialog, or in a correction dialog, logging is as for ACCEPTED-FORM.