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Version compatibility


Description status

SDF V21.0A can be used with BS2000OS DX. The present manual describes the use of SDF V21.0A in a system running BS2000 OS DX V1.0A.


The manuals “Introduction to the SDF Dialog Interface”, “SDF Management” and “SDF-CONV” have been combined in this manual.

The DISPLAY subsystem is also described, which permits the full output scope of most of the SHOW commands to be made available to nonprivileged users.

The value *SDF-ONLY is added to the INPUT-HISTORY=*ON(PASSWORD-PROTECTION=) operand of the MODIFY-SDF-OPTIONS statement.

Command language

The format of the SDF command language together with the SDF syntax representation and the command return codes is described in detail in the “Commands“ manual [1 (Related publications )] and is consequently no longer contained in this manual.