The MODIFY-SYNTAX-FILE statement is used to enter syntax file names in the parameter file or to modify or remove existing syntax file entries. The following entries are possible:
System syntax file:
Every parameter file must contain one entry for the basic system syntax file. This entry may be modified, but cannot be removed. The basic system syntax file contains the syntax description of all syntax commands and applies to all currently logged-on user tasks.Subsystem syntax file:
Entries for subsystem syntax files are optional. Subsystem syntax files are system syntax files that must be activated in addition to the basic syntax file. Such system syntax files need not be part of a subsystem activated by DSSM.Group syntax files:
Entries for group syntax files are optional. A group syntax file contains the syntax description of all commands, programs and statements that are available exclusively to a group of users defined by system administration. Group syntax files are assigned via a profile ID.
TYPE = *SYSTEM / *SUBSYSTEM(...) / *GROUP(...) *SUBSYSTEM(...) SUBSYSTEM-NAME = <structured-name 1..8> *GROUP(...) PROFILE-ID = <structured-name 1..30> ,HIERARCHY = *YES / *NO ,NAME = *UNCHANGED / *NONE / <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers> |
Defines the type of the syntax file for which the entry is modified.
The entry for the basic system syntax file is modified.
The entry for a subsystem syntax file is modified.
SUBSYSTEM-NAME = <structured-name 1..8>
Name of the subsystem to which the subsystem syntax file belongs.
TYPE = *GROUP(...)
The entry for a group syntax file is modified.
PROFILE-ID = <structured-name 1..30>
Defines the profile ID to which the group syntax file was or is to be assigned.
Specifies whether the SDF file hierarchy is to be retained for the syntax analysis of commands/statements of a user task with the specified profile ID, i.e. whether the system syntax files are to be used for syntax analysis.
The system syntax files are activated by default on creating the user task. The SDF file hierarchy is retained.
The system syntax files are deactivated immediately after LOGON processing. The definitions in the system syntax file are therefore irrelevant for users with the specified profile ID; only the definitions stored in the associated group syntax file apply. Group syntax files defined with HIERARCHY=*NO must contain at least the LOGOFF command in addition to global information, since this is the only way to terminate a user task to which the defined profile ID is assigned.
Specifies the name of the syntax file. The type of the specified syntax file must be the same as the one defined by the TYPE entry.
The entry is not changed.
The syntax file entry is deleted from the parameter file. The entry for the system syntax file cannot be deleted.
NAME = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
Specifies the name of the syntax file.