A group syntax file may be active, but need not be. Systems support assigns it to the user ID. The assignment is made via the user entry. The PROFILE-ID output field of the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command contains the name of a profile ID. It is via this profile ID that a user ID or a group of user IDs can be assigned a group syntax file. The profile ID and group syntax file assignment is managed in the SDF parameter file. The respective entries are made by systems support staff by means of the MODIFY-SDF-PARAMETERS command.
When such an assignment has been made, the group syntax file is automatically activated after logon processing and remains active until the end of the task. Only one group syntax file may be active per task at any one time. Any change in the assignment is effective for future tasks only.
A group syntax file may contain extensions, limitations and other modifications relative to the system syntax file. It is thus possible for systems support staff to modify the range of functions available to specific users. If, in the system syntax file, they have imposed a system-global restriction on the full range of functions provided by Fujitsu, they can lift this restriction for a particular user ID via a group syntax file. Conversely, in a group syntax file they can impose a restriction for a specific user ID on functions offered on a system-global basis.
Group syntax files must normally be generated by the user by means of the software product SDF-A; for certain software products they can be supplied by Fujitsu.
If new or modified commands or statements are delivered with a new product version, then all group syntax files that contain this command or statement definition must be replaced or modified accordingly.