In BS2000 OS DX definitions of privileges in syntax files are evaluated. Privileges can be associated with application domains, programs, commands, statements, operands and operand values. Users have access only to those objects of a syntax file whose privilege matches the one defined for their own user ID. Privileges in syntax files can thus be used to restrict the functional scope for particular users, making a restriction via a specific group syntax file superfluous.
Unless otherwise specified, all user IDs with the exception of the system IDs are assigned the privilege STD-PROCESSING. If the chargeable software product SECOS is present in the system, privileged functions can be made available to non-privileged user IDs by assigning them the required privilege.
The BS2000 concept of privileges is described in the “SECOS” manual [10]. The assignment of privileges in syntax files is described in the “SDF-A” manual [4].