The COPY statement copies the contents of a syntax file. SDF-U inserts the copies into the opened syntax file. The opened syntax file and the syntax file whose contents are copied must be of the same type.
OBJECT = *DOMAIN(...) / *COMMAND(...) / *PROGRAM(...) *DOMAIN(...) NAME = *ALL(...) / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> *ALL(...) EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> *COMMAND(...) NAME = *ALL(...) / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> *ALL(...) EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> *PROGRAM(...) NAME = *ALL(...) / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> *ALL(...) EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> ,FROM-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers> ,ATTACHED-INFO = *YES / *NO / *ONLY ,OVERWRITE-POSSIBLE = *NO / *EXTERNAL-ATTRIBUTES / *YES |
Type of object whose definition is to be copied.
The definitions of domains will be copied.
NAME = *ALL(...)
The definitions of all domains will be copied.
EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of the application areas specified here will not be copied.
NAME = <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of the named domains, or of those whose names match the wildcard search criteria, will be copied.
The definitions of commands will be copied.
NAME = *ALL(...)
The definitions of all commands will be copied.
EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of the commands specified here will not be copied.
NAME = <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of the named commands, or of those whose names match the wildcard search criteria, will be copied.
The definitions of programs will be copied.
NAME = *ALL(...)
The definitions of all programs will be copied.
EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of the programs specified here will not be copied.
NAME = <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of the named programs, or of those whose names match the wildcard search criteria, will be copied.
FROM-FILE = <filename 1..54>
Syntax file containing the definitions to be copied.
Determines which of the definitions belonging to the specified object will be copied.
The definition of the specified object will be copied together with the definitions of all objects assigned to the specified object. (In other words: domain with associated commands, program with associated statements, command or statement with associated operands.)
The definition of the specified object will be copied without the definitions of the objects assigned to the specified object. (In other words: domain without associated commands, program without associated statements, command or statement without associated operands.)
Only the definitions of the objects assigned to the specified object will be copied. The definition of the specified object itself will not be copied.
Determines whether an object already defined in the opened syntax file will be copied.
SDF-U rejects the copy request if the object is already defined in the opened syntax file, and issues a message to this effect.
SDF-U only copies the objects and not the definition of the objects. The definition of the “current” object is retained. This operand may be specified only for copying domains and programs (COPY OBJ=*DOMAIN... or OBJ=*PROGRAM...). The operand ATTACHED-INFO is given the value *NO, regardless of whether another value has already been specified.
SDF-U will copy the object even if it is already defined in the opened syntax file. If necessary, SDF-U will replace the definition already existing in the opened syntax file by the definition to be copied.