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Logging in the session log file

DBAccess Server can log historic data for client connections in a session log file. To do this the key SessionLogFile must be set to True in section [MainTask] of the initialization file (see section "Initialization file (start parameters)").

The name of the file is SESDBA.SESSIONLOG.<ServerPort> where ServerPort is the port number of the main task.

If the file already exists, it is not deleted when the server is started. Data is simply appended to it.

The session log file should not be displayed using /SHOW-FILE while the server is running, since this locks the file. However, the file can be displayed using EDT, without interfering with the server output.

The following information is written to the file

  • When the server is started, the following messages are written:

    Start of SESAM-DBAccess-Server (<ServerPort>) (Version <Version>) 
    (TSN = <Tsn>, PID = <Pid>) Administration Task at YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
    Start of SESAM-DBAccess-Server (<ServerPort>) (Version <Version>) 
    (TSN = <Tsn>, PID = <Pid>)  Distributor Task at YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

    Here, the ServerPort stands for the port number of the main task, Version is the version of the DBAccess Server, Tsn is the task sequence number, and Pid the process ID of the relevant task.

  • When the server is running, the server tasks log the connections:

    The outputs have the following format:



    1 – 19

    Time stamp of the initialization of the server task.

    21 – 24

    TSN (task sequence number) of the server task.

    26 -30

    PID (process ID) of the server task.


    empty = no connection was established.
    F = connection was rejected.
    D = controlled termination of connection.
    A = connection terminated due to loss of network connection
    or the CLOSE ALL administration command.

    34 – 47

    Time stamp of connection setup, only if status = F/D/A.

    49 – 66

    User name, only if status = F/D/A.

    As of 68

    Host name or IP address of the client computer, only if status = F/D/A.

    As of 89

    Time stamp of connection cleardown, only if status = D/A.

    The outputs occur when:

    • a connection setup fails, e.g. due to an incorrect user identification (status = F).

    • a connection is terminated in a controlled fashion by the client (status = D).

    • a connection is terminated for another reason (e.g. by the CLOSE ALL administration command, breakdown of the TCP/IP connection) (status = A).

    • an initialized task which did not have a connection is terminated (CLOSE ALL administration command or CLOSE) (status = empty).

  • The following messages are written when the server is terminated:

    Maximum number of simultaneous connections was <n1>
    Maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed by configuration: <n2>
    Shutdown of SESAM-DBAccess-Server (<ServerPort>) Administration Task at 
    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
    Shutdown of SESAM-DBAccess-Server (<ServerPort>) Distributor Task at 
    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

    n1 is the maximum number of simultaneous client connections during the server run.

    n2 is the maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections specified with the key TasksMaximum in the [MainTask] section of the initialization file.

    ServerPort is the port number of the main task.