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BS2000 user IDs in the case of media recovery

SESAM backup copies and logging files may either be stored on the DBH user ID or on a DB user ID.

SESAM/SQL always tries to first create the SESAM backup copies or logging files on the DB user ID. However, this is only possible if the DBH user ID is defined as co-owner of the DB files on the DB user ID or if the database administrator has already created the corresponding files using CREATE-FILE on the BS2000 user ID, see section “Database files and job variables on foreign user IDs”.

It must be possible to create all the files necessary for a backup in one user ID, the DB user ID or the DBH user ID.

RECOVER and REFRESH also assume that the files are stored on the DB user ID. Only if SESAM/SQL does not find copies there, does SESAM/SQL search on the DBH user ID. The same procedure applies for the logging files.

If backup files are present both on the DB and DBH user IDs, the files on the DB user ID are used.