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Create and delete system entries

In order to work with a SESAM/SQL database with SQL, BS2000 users need an SQL user authorization key. The database's metadata must contain at least one appropriate system entry for each authorization key (see section “System entry”).

Create a system entry

The database administrator assigns an authorization key to an SQL user with the SQL statement CREATE USER.

The database administrator defines a system entry with the SQL statement CREATE SYSTEM_USER.

The relevant SQL user authorization key has to have been assigned with CREATE USER before a system entry can be created with CREATE SYSTEM_USER. The database administrator can create more than one system entry per authorization key. An SQL database user is represented by all the system entries in the database's metadata that contains the SQL user's authorization key.

Delete a system entry

The database administrator deletes an SQL user's authorization key with the SQL statement DROP USER.

DROP USER deletes an authorization key and all its associated system entries. An authorization key cannot be deleted if it owns schemas, user spaces or storage groups, or if it is the grantor of a privilege. You cannot delete the authorization identifier of the universal user.

To delete individual system entries for an SQL user, the database administrator uses the SQL statement DROP SYSTEM_USER.

A system entry cannot be deleted if it is the universal user's only system entry.