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Defining, modifying and deleting storage groups

A storage group defines the storage media (private disks and the associated device type, or public disks) and a BS2000 catalog ID, which are needed in order to create user spaces and SESAM backup copies.

Create a storage group

The database administrator defines a storage group with the SQL statement CREATE STOGROUP.

Modify a storage group

The database administrator can modify the definition of a storage group with the SQL statement ALTER STOGROUP.

The ALTER STOGROUP statement only modifies the definition of the storage group. Existing user spaces that use the storage group's disks are not affected.

Disks removed from the definition are no longer used for new storage allocations to user spaces. Disks can be deleted explicitly with the aid of the DROP VOLUME clause, or implicitly by switching them from common disks (PUBLIC) to private disks, and vice versa.

Drop a storage group

The database administrator can delete an existing storage group with the SQL statement DROP STOGROUP.

DROP STOGROUP is rejected if one or more user spaces are still located on the storage media defined by the group.