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The SESAM/SQL database system (Enterprise Edition) allows the throughput to be increased on a multiprocessor system by loading one DBH with multiple tasks (DBH option DBH-TASKS). This allows the CPU performance available to the DBH to be utilized to a better effect.
The tasks of a DBH all process a common database.

The system administrator works with a single-system image, i.e. the system administrator manages the DBH as a whole and not a specific task. Any output issued by the active system is issued in the task which the system administrator started and it is that task that the system administrator communicates with.

The DBH automatically distributes the load to the DBH tasks. The tasks are used relative to their load, i.e. the system attempts to carry out processing with as few tasks as possible.

The system administrator can monitor the task loads in the “TASKS” mask in the SESAM/SQL utility SESMON.