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The CO-LOG file for request logging

The request log file (CO-LOG file) is a DBH-specific log file which is used to log requests (see section “Evaluating request logging with SESCOSP”).

The DBH opens the CO-LOG file as soon as system administrators enable request logging. If system administrators disable and then re-enable request logging within the same session, the DBH closes the current CO-LOG file and then opens a new one.

The CO-LOG file uses the following standard name:

DBH variant

Standard name

independent and linked-in DBH


Table 56: Standard name of the CO-LOG file

Using the DBH option SESSION-LOGGING-ID, system administrators can assign their own values for the session ID (ssss) and the file counter (iiii).

Additional information on naming conventions, the default assignment and the access method associated with the CO-LOG file is provided in the table “DBH-specific files”.