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SESAM/SQL and openUTM perform a synchronized restart.

SESAM/SQL needs the data on the processing status of the DB transactions contained in the transaction log files (TA-LOG1 and 2, WA-LOG, DDL-TA-LOG) to do so. openUTM obtains information on open or completed openUTM transactions from the KDCFILE file (containing data on the progress of the openUTM application).

The SESAM/SQL-DBH should always be terminated using the (default) administration statement STOP-DBH UTM-SESSION-INFO=*KEEP (see the “ Database Operation” manual) to make sure that both SESAM/SQL and openUTM have all the information needed for a synchronized restart:
STOP-DBH UTM-SESSION-INFO=*DELETE rolls back all open transactions, closes all logical files and deletes the restart information. The UTM-SESSION-INFO=*KEEP parameter causes the WA-LOG file to remain active and the restart information it contains to be retained. Open transactions are also rolled back and the logical files are closed.

openUTM cold start and openUTM warm start

  • An openUTM application that was terminated normally using KDCSHUT performs a cold start when the application is started again (see the openUTM “ Generating and Handling Applications” manual).

  • If no orderly KDCSHUT was executed, a warm start is carried out the next time the application is started.
    A warm start is only successful if the DBH was loaded before. During the synchronization phase, the DBH must be able to supply information on transactions that were not terminated and that were PENDing when the system aborted. That is why the DBH must not be stopped using STOP-DBH UTM-SESSION-INFO=*DELETE.

Depending on how the previous session was terminated, SESAM/SQL and openUTM perform a cold start or a warm start:

End of the previous session


Start of



DBH sets “not active” flag in the
WA-LOG file, information is deleted

Cold start



KDCFILE contains restart
information 1

Cold start



DBH sets “not active” flag in the
WA-LOG file, information is deleted

Cold start 2


aborted with error

KDCFILE contains restart
information 3

Warm start 2



WA-LOG file remains active,
information is updated

Warm start


aborted with error

KDCFILE contains restart
information 3

Warm start


aborted with error

WA-LOG file remains active,
information is retained

Warm start


aborted with error

KDCFILE contains restart
information 3

Warm start

Table 69: Cold start and warm start of an SESAM/SQL openUTM application

1KDCFILE may contain restart information on open transactions, but no information on transactions that were not terminated.

2Normally not executable because the SESAM/SQL DBH cannot respond to the Request status.3KDCFILE may contain restart information on open transactions and information on transactions that were not terminated.

3KDCFILE may contain restart information on open transactions and information on transactions that were not terminated.