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System access for SQL applications

In the openUTM system, UTM users identify themselves through their UTM system user ID. This UTM system ID consists of the symbolic computer name, the name of the UTM application and the KDCSIGN or LSES name (in the case of UTM-D on the side of the jobreceiving application).

In order to process a SESAM/SQL database with SQL, users needs an SQL user authorization code. The database must contain a system access for that authorization code.

When a system access is set up, a system user ID is assigned to an existing authorization code. The specifications for a UTM user or a BS2000 user can be entered as the system user ID.

An SQL user is represented by all system accesses in the database system which contain his or her authorization code.

Figure 35: Example of system access by an SQL user

In section “Specifying an SQL user's authorization identifier” there is a description of how an SQL user identifies himself/herself to SESAM/SQL with an authorization code.