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Special privileges

The universal user is authorized to grant all special privileges with the exception of USAGE ON STOGROUP. Only the owner of a given storage group is authorized to grant the privilege USAGE ON STOGROUP for that storage group.

the creation and deletion of SQL users (CREATE USER)

The special privilege CREATE USER authorizes the grantee to carry out the following tasks:

  • Create a new SQL user
    The first step in creating an SQL user is to assign an authorization identifier with the SQL statement CREATE USER. This authorization identifier then has to be assigned a system user ID with the SQL statement CREATE SYSTEM_USER. In this way, one or more system entries can be created for an SQL user that represent that SQL user.

  • Delete an SQL user
    An SQL user is deleted by using DROP USER to delete all system entries that contain the SQL user's authorization identifier.

  • Remove a specific system entry for a specific user with the SQL statement DROP SYSTEM_USER.

the creation of a schema (CREATE SCHEMA)

The special privilege CREATE SCHEMA authorizes a user to create a schema. The owner of this schema then possesses all the table privileges for this schema (see section “Table privileges” below). The schema owner is the user who issued the relevant CREATE SCHEMA statement, or the user who is specified in the AUTHORIZATION clause of the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

Execution of the utilities (UTILITY)

The special privilege UTILITY authorizes a user to execute utilities to work on the database.

Specification of storage media for the spaces (CREATE STOGROUP)

The special privilege CREATE STOGROUP authorizes a user to issue the SQL statement CREATE STOGROUP to specify storage media on which user spaces are to be stored. This user is then the owner of the storage group in question and is assigned the special privilege USAGE ON STOGROUP for this storage group.

Use of a storage group (USAGE ON STOGROUP)

The owner of a storage group has the special privilege USAGE ON STOGROUP for that storage group. The special privilege USAGE ON STOGROUP entitles users to create space on a specific storage group with CREATE SPACE. If users wish to alter a user space with ALTER SPACE and the USING STOGROUP clause is specified in ALTER SPACE, they must have the special privilege USAGE ON STOGROUP.

all special privileges (ALL SPECIAL PRIVILEGES)

ALL SPECIAL PRIVILEGES gives the grantee all special privileges that the grantor is entitled to grant for a specific database or storage group with the exception of USAGE-STOGROUP.