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Convenient administration

Large-scale database applications require a convenient means of administering the database system so that the system and the database administrator are able to handle even a large and ever-increasing number of administration tasks with ease. Therefore, SESAM/SQL provides numerous functions which provide support to the administrator.

SESADM administration program

SESADM allows database operation to be controlled from a form-driven interface compliant with the SDF conventions. SESADM allows system administrators to parameterize and administer SESAM/SQL DBH and the SESAM/SQL distribution component SESDCN using a uniform user interface. SESADM operation is described in the “Database Operation” manual.

Utility monitor SESUTI

The utility monitor is a component of SESAM/SQL and provides a convenient interface for all database administration tasks including constructing, loading, backing up and recovering a SESAM/SQL database.

The utility monitor can be used in interactive or batch mode. The various actions can be logged in a command file, which can then be modified by the user and used for recurrent activities.

The menu-driven interface of the utility monitor allows the database administrator simply to use the SQL language constructs provided for all tasks in interactive mode, i.e. to execute functions without the need to program SQL statements.

The utility monitor executes the following groups of SQL statements:

  • data definition statements including those for the administration of access rights

  • statements for the administration of the storage structure and user entries

  • Utility statements

  • statements for manipulating data

The utility monitor also provides functions giving information on the metadata of a database such as descriptions of base tables, views, integrity constraints, access rights etc. and which allow the user to read and modify the information on the SESAM backups available. It is also possible to call SESADM from the utility monitor in order to issue statements for controlling database operation.

The “Utility Monitor” manual provides a detailed description of how to use the utility monitor.

Performance monitor SESMON

The performance monitor SESMON provides the administrator or (via SNMP) a management platform with detailed and clear information on the utilization of resources (e.g. utilization of buffers, disk access). This allows the database system to be tailored to the application involved. Refer to the overview of SESMON and to the “Database Operation” manual for detailed information.

Access from the World Wide Web

You can also access the administration program SESADM, the performance monitor SESMON and the utility monitor SESUTI all from a unified access on the World Wide Web (WWW or Web for short) with the aid of the software product WebTransactions (WebTA).

To access the SESAM programs via the Web, you only need a standard browser in addition to the software product WebTransactions.

Web access is described in the document “WebTA access for SESAM/SQL” shipped together with SESAM/SQL-Server. This document is also available from our manual server under the software product SESAM/SQL.

Utilization of HSMS

HSMS (Hierarchical Storage Management System) can be used to back up tapes in SESAM/SQL. HSMS is used to back up data and support data management on external storage media in BS2000. In particular, HSMS supports the co-ownership system used in the SECOS software product which you can use to administer access rights to external user IDs.

Utilization of ARCHIVE

SESAM/SQL uses the high-performance tape backup system ARCHIVE. Special SESAM/SQL language resources are used to control the ARCHIVE functions. ARCHIVE is a standard backup system under BS2000 and is utilized across a range of other applications.

Sending important information of the DBH session by email

The SESAM/SQL system administrator can also have important information of the DBH session transferred automatically by email via the mail transmitter of the software product interNet Services.
An overview of the procedure is provided on chapter ( "Sending important information of the DBH session by email" ) and it is described in detail in the “Database Operation” manual.

Logging security-relevant events with SAT

SESAM/SQL logs security-relevant events using the component SAT (Security Audit Trail) of the software product SECOS (Security Control System). The SESAM system administrator can enable and disable SAT logging as required.