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Changes the maximum size of transfer and work containers

Scope of validity

DBH administration

See also



You use the MODIFY-STORAGE-SIZE statement to change the maximum size of transfer and work containers.

If the maximum value for the SUBORDERS option is increased (see “MODIFY-SUBORDER-LIMIT”), the maximum values for transfer and work containers do not change automatically. They can be adjusted using this statement.

A change to the maximum value for transfer and work containers depends on the current, possibly increased maximum value for the SUBORDERS options (see formulas on "TRANSFER-CONTAINER" and "WORK-CONTAINER"). A new maximum value for transfer and work containers must at least match the value obtained using one of the related formulas. If a lower value is specified, the minimum value obtained using the relevant formula applies.

Consequently, despite a lower value being specified, the maximum value for transfer and work containers can increase if the maximum value for SUBORDERS was increased beforehand.

Information about transfer and work containers is provided in the operational statistics of the SESAM/SQL monitor SESMON. Details on the containers can be found in the “SYSTEM-INFORMATION” form (see "DBH form SYSTEM INFORMATION").





MAXIMUM = <integer 64..1000000>



MAXIMUM = <integer 24..1000000>


STORAGE = *TRANSFER-CONTAINER(MAXIMUM = <integer 64..1000000>)

Defines the maximum size which the transfer container may reach.

If the new maximum value is lower than the value of the relevant formula on "TRANSFER-CONTAINER", the value of the formula is used as the new maximum value.

STORAGE = *WORK-CONTAINER(MAXIMUM = <integer 24..1000000>)

Defines the maximum size which the work container may reach.

If the new maximum value is lower than the value of the relevant formula on "WORK-CONTAINER", the value of the formula is used as the new maximum value.

Administration command in ISP format and at the CALL DML interface

The OPT,STO-SIZE administration command corresponds to the MODIFY-STORAGE-SIZE administration statement here.


A number between 64 or 24 and 1000000 may be entered for m or n respectively.