This statement assigns the DBH to a configuration.
A lower-level DBH option of DBH-IDENTIFICATION
You use the DBH option CONFIGURATION-NAME to specify the configuration name of the DBH.
By specifying a configuration name, you assign the DBH to a configuration. Each configuration has a unique name on its host system.
Like the DBH name (see the DBH option DBH-NAME on "DBH-NAME"), the configuration name identifies the following DBH-specific files: the cursor files and the files for transaction management. When several SESAM/SQL DBHs are loaded, these files must be uniquely identified by a configuration name and a DBH name in each case.
If the configuration and/or DBH name have the default value *BLANK, the character “'BLANK'” in the file names is replaced by the character “@”. For example, if you specify CONFIGURATION-NAME = 7 and DHB-NAME = *BLANK, the file name of the WA-LOG file of the independent DBH is:
If you specify CONFIGURATION-NAME = 7 and DHB-NAME = 8, the file name of the WA-LOG file is:
= *BLANK / <alphanum-name 1..1> |
The blank is used as the configuration name.
CONFIGURATION-NAME = <alphanum-name 1..1>
Configuration name assigned by the system administrator. The characters #, @ and $ are not permitted as configuration name.