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This statement defines DBH tasks.


A lower-level DBH option of CPU-RESOURCES


You use the DBH option DBH-TASKS to specify the number of DBH tasks.

After the first DBH task, additional DBH tasks are started via ENTER. All DBH tasks are assigned the same job class.

In a linked-in DBH the option DBH-TASKS is ignored because this kind of DBH generally only consists of one TASK.

If a value greater than 1 was specified and SESAM/SQL is only licensed for one task, an informational message is output stating that the license is only valid for one task and the DBH can therefore only be started with one task.

You can adjust the value of the option with the administration statement RELOAD-DBH-SESSION (see "RELOAD-DBH-SESSION") when the DBH modules are reloaded.


= 1 / <integer 1..16>


DBH-TASKS = 1 / <integer 1..16>

Specifies the number of DBH tasks in a session. The default is 1.