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This statement limits the number of entries in the SQL database catalog.


A lower-level DBH option of SYSTEM-LIMITS


You use the DBH option SQL-DATABASE-CATALOG to specify the maximum number of entries the SQL database catalog can contain.

You edit the SQL database catalog by means of the DBH start statement ADD-SQL-DATABASE-CATALOG-LIST (see "ADD-SQL-DATABASE-CATALOG-LIST"). You cannot enter more databases in the catalog than specified in the DBH option SQL-DATABASE-CATALOG, but it is permitted to enter fewer databases. If more databases are required during the DBH session, you can enter them using the appropriate administration statement until the maximum permissible number of entries is reached.


= 1 / <integer 1..254>


SQL-DATABASE-CATALOG = 1 / <integer 1..254>

Maximum number of database entries in the SQL database catalog. The default is 1, but the SESAM/SQL DBH can handle up to 254 databases simultaneously.

Note that a free entry in the SQL database catalog is required for each CREATE CATALOG and each CREATE REPLICATION statement.