83 | System defective |
The table below shows which diagnostics documents must be obtained for which consistency checks and which actions must be taken.
Consistency check | Meaning | Diagnostic documentation |
SEC<***>: nn/72/uu | The communication module | Dump of application program |
SEC<***>: nn/83/uu | System defective due to error in | Dump. |
SEC<***>: nn/71/uu | Error in BS2000 services, e.g. | Dump. |
If one of these consistency checks occurs in a DBH or DCN task, a dump is created and the task terminated. A consistency check in an application program task also leads to a dump being created. The relevant application program receives the CDML status 89 or the SQLSTATE 40SA8. Each subsequent request of this application program is also acknowledged with the status 89 or SQLSTATE 40SA8.
When a consistency check occurs, a correction run is executed for the affected common memory pool. If another consistency check occurs during this run, the common memory pool is defective. Any SESAM request that requires this common memory pool for its execution is rejected with the status CDML 9E or with SQLSTATE 81SC5.