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Main-memory dump

One of the most important diagnostics documents is the main-memory dump.

Normally, SESAM/SQL generates a dump automatically. The system administrator can also specifically request a dump.

Automatically generated dump

If a consistency check occurs as a result of a particular error situation, the DBH, SESDCN or the affected DBCON module automatically generates a dump file of the associated task. If necessary, SESAM/SQL also generates a dump file for service tasks (see section “Diagnostics documents for service tasks”).

The name of the dump file contains the following variables:





User ID under which the dump file is stored

Job name of the DBH, SESDCN or the application program

Task sequence number of the DBH, SESDCN or the application program

Consecutive number identifying the nth dump in the task

Dump file of the DBH or SESDCN task

The dump file can also be created under an alternative identifier if the join entry of the identifier forces it.

The dump files of the DBH, service or SESDCN tasks have the following name:


Dumps in multitasking DBH

In general, the multitasking DBH dumps are generated in the start task. Dumps are only generated in the other DBH tasks in some exceptional cases (e.g. in the case of error weight “83”).

Dump file of the application program task

The dump file can be created under an alternative ID.

The dump file is created under the start ID of the user task, and the file name is:


Remote dump

Remote dumps are dumps that occur in a communication partner. They are usually triggered in conjunction with a separate dump in the other communication partner.

Remote dumps occur in the following cases:

  • As a result of a consistency check in the SESAM/SQL DBH, one of the consistency checks MM/03/11, MQ/03/22 or MY/03/28 is issued in the application program (the DBCON or DCN communication component), and a remote dump is created.

  • As a result of a consistency check in an application program (the DBCON or DCN communication component), the DBH message SEK9107 is issued and a remote dump is created.

Both the actual dump and the remote dump are required for diagnostic purposes.

Dump repetition for consistency checks

When a consistency check takes place, SESAM/SQL normally generates only one dump. If the same consistency check takes place again, no further dump is generated (dump suppression).

If required, the dump control can be reinitialized using the administration statement SET-DIAGNOSIS-DUMP-PARAMETER DUMP=*INIT (see "SET-DIAGNOSIS-DUMP-PARAMETER"), i.e. when a consistency check takes place a dump is generated again. Subsequently dump suppression once more comes into force.

Conditional dump

You can cause the DBH or the DBCON module of the application program to automatically generate a dump file (conditional dump) when certain SQL DML or CALL DML messages occur.

The name of a dump file like this is the same as that of an automatically generated dump file (see "Main-memory dump"):



Causing a conditional dump of the DBH task to be generated

The SET-DIAGNOSIS-DUMP-PARAMETER administration statement allows you to request the DBH, given certain prerequisites, to generate a conditional dump (see "SET-DIAGNOSIS-DUMP-PARAMETER"). You also use this administration statement to specify the message (SQLSTATE or CALL DML status) upon whose occurrence the DBH is to generate the dump and, if necessary, to name a specific user to which the dump is to relate.

After the administration statement is issued, the DBH outputs message SES6016 at each occurrence of the SQLSTATE or CALL DML status and creates a dump file at the first occurrence. A dump file is otherwise only created if another consistency check occurs in the meantime.

Causing a conditional dump of the application-program task to be generated

If the DBCON module of an application program is to generate a conditional dump automatically, in the case of TIAM and DCAM applications, the configuration file of the application program must contain the following connection-module parameter:


In the case of a UTM application, the connection-module parameter can also be specified as a start parameter of the UTM application







subclass of the selected SQLSTATE

main number

subnumber of the undesired status

See also the “ Messages” manual.

You can partially qualify SQLSTATE by entering “***” as a subclass. You can partially qualify STATUS by entering “**” as a subnumber.

The DIAG-DUMP parameter is not available with the connection module of an application program working with the linked-in DBH (DBCONL).

Requested dump of the DBH or SESDCN task

If You need another dump at any time during the DBH or SESDCN session in addition to the automatically generated or conditional dumps, You can request it by means of the CREATE-DUMP administration statement (see "CREATE-DUMP").

The name of a requested dump file of the DBH or SESDCN task is the same as that of an automatically generated dump file:


After the DBH administration statement CREATE-DUMP CANCEL-PROGRAM=NO is issued, the DBH outputs the consistency check SESADXS: XX/05/99. After CREATE-DUMP CANCEL-PROGRAM=YES is issued, the DBH outputs the consistency check SESADXS: XX/40/99. The DBH then creates the dump file.

The CREATE-DUMP administration statement directed at SESDCN does not generate a consistency check.

Requested dump of a service task

If You need a dump of a service task You can request it by means of the CREATE-SERVICE-TASK-DUMP administration statement. The name of a requested dump file is:


Other dumps

Dumps can also be generated when running SESAM/SQL that are not announced by messages SEN0001, SEN0003, SEK0001, SED9001 and SES6000 .

The reason for such dumps may be:

  • Job switch13
    If job switch 13 is set, most of the programs belonging to SESAM/SQL will automatically generate a dump when they are terminated.

  • Consistency checks by the SQL runtime system

    All consistency checks issued by the SQL runtime system in the course of an application program cause the SQLSTATE 40SC1 state with message SEW40C1 and a subsequent dump. Relevant diagnostic documentation: SYSOUT log, dump of the application task.