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Setting task switches

Task switches are used in BS2000 to control tasks. 32 task-specific switches, which can be set to ON or OFF, are available for each task. At the beginning of the task they are reset (to OFF), but can be changed in the course of the task (SHOW-JOB-SWITCH, see the BS2000 manual “ Commands”). SESAM/SQL uses task switches in error recovery.

Switch 11

The DBH sets switch 11 when errors occur that do not cause the DBH session to abort, e.g. after errors during entry of DBH options or after a consistency check without session abortion. After the DBH session is terminated, a message appears, telling you that the DBH has been terminated with an indication of the reason why.

SESADM sets switch 11 if a status other than “00” is returned.

Switch 12

The DBH sets switch 12 in the case of errors which cause the DBH session to abort. You receive a message to the effect that the DBH has been terminated with an error.

SESADM sets switch 12 in the following cases:

  • Formal errors, when user entries lead to abortion (e.g. in the event of errors in the configuration file)

  • Resource bottlenecks, when status 2B, 2I, 2M or 85 occurs

  • System errors, when a consistency check and/or status 89, 9K or 9E occurs.

SESADM sets task switch but not by evaluating the feedback of a syntactically correct request.

Switch 13

The user can set switch 13 to cause a dump to be created automatically at the end of the program.