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This form contains information on the buffer space made available when requested:

Field descriptions




Version of the DBH.

Name of the configuration monitored.

Time at which the form is output.


Name of the openUTM transaction application (up to 8 characters) or the TSN in the case of a TIAM application.

T (Type)

Type of the application.

U: UTM application

T: TIAM application


Percentage of the requested memory space made available. The information is subdivided on the basis of how much memory space is requested. The entry “--%” means that no requests have yet been made in this memory class.

Percentage Occupation

Percentage of the buffer occupied.

Maximal Occupation

Maximum percentage of the buffer that can be occupied.

The entries (of which there can be up to 15) are sorted on the basis of the quality of the buffer parametrization. Up to 100 entries are output to SYSLST.

The following aspects are included in the quality assessment:

  • Hit rate for memory requests:

    Hit rate in percent =
    (total memory space received /
    total memory space requested) * 100

  • Maximum percentage of the buffer occupied

The quality of the buffer parametrization is calculated by means of the following formula:

Average hit rate when memory space is requested *
maximum percentage of the buffer that can be occupied

The form merely indicates whether the requested memory area is made available. It does not say anything about the use of the memory area.