This form contains information on message volume, pool utilization and resource bottlenecks.
Field descriptions
<ver> CNF | SESDCN version. Name of the configuration monitored. |
Time at which the form is output.
Broadcast Messages
Number of messages sent additionally because of preparation to commit a transaction, the end of a transaction, the end of a UTM conversation or the rolling back of a transaction (in this SESDCN session and per time period).
Mail Messages
Number of messages that could not be sent until later because processing was interrupted (in this SESDCN session and per time period).
BCAM Memory Lacks
Number of remote messages that could not be transferred because not enough memory was available for them (in this SESDCN session and per time period).
Requests for Locks
Number of requested pool locks (in this SESDCN session and per time period).
Pool Locks
Number of granted pool locks (in this SESDCN session and per time period).
Synchron Accesses
Number of synchronous database accesses (in this SESDCN session and per time period).
Asynchron Accesses
Number of asynchronous accesses at the CALL DML interface by means of CALL SESPUT and CALL SESGET(W) (in this SESDCN session and per time period).
Message Fragmentation
Number of message fragments into which the DCAM messages sent so far had to be subdivided (maximum and average over the whole SESDCN session). Messages have to be divided up if they are longer than the maximum send length for the addressed computer.
Time in Pool Lock
Number of milliseconds for which a transaction was locked in the case of a pool access (maximum and average over the whole SESDCN session).
Users per Application
Maximum number of current users of a transaction application and average number over the whole SESDCN session.
Tasks per Application
Maximum number of current tasks belonging to a transaction application and average number over the whole SESDCN session.
Container per User
Maximum number of pool containers (pool container: 256-byte unit) used by a user in this session and average number of pool containers used by a user (snapshot).
Sub TAs per User
Maximum number of subtransactions per user in this session and average number of subtransactions per user (snapshot).
Users per Catalog
Maximum current number of users accessing a database and average number over the session.
Elapsed Time in Contingency
Specifies how much time SESDCN has so far spent on asynchronous activities. The value is a percentage of total SESDCN runtime.
Used Pool Containers
Number of containers in the SESDCN pool that are currently used.
Free Pool Containers
Number of containers that are still free.
SESAM Messages
Number of SESAM/SQL messages (remote and local) in this SESDCN session and per time period. The SESAM/SQL messages are divided into six different classes. The counter of the class to which the message belongs on the basis of its length is incremented.