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LOWER() - Convert uppercase characters

Function group: string function

LOWER() converts uppercase characters in a string to lowercase characters.

LOWER ( expression )


Alphanumeric expression or national expression.


When expression returns the NULL value, the result is the NULL value.


  • If expression is an alphanumeric expression, the result is a copy of the string which results from the evaluation of expression, uppercase letters of the SESAM/SQL character repertoire (see "SESAM/SQL character repertoire") being replaced by equivalent lowercase letters (A-Z without umlauts and ß).

  • If expression is a national expression, uppercase letters are replaced by equivalent lowercase letters in accordance with the Unicode rules (as with the XHCS function tolower).

Data type: like expression


SELECT LOWER(strasse) FROM kunde WHERE knr=100

otto-hahn-ring 6

LOWER('Ä') returns the value 'Ä'.

LOWER(NX'00C4') returns the value NX'00E4' (which corresponds to 'ä') because the Unicode rules are used.