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OCTET_LENGTH() - Determine string length

Function group: numeric function

OCTET_LENGTH() determines the number of bytes in a string.

OCTET_LENGTH ( expression )


Alphanumeric expression or national expression. Its evaluation must return either an alphanumeric string (data type CHAR or VARCHAR) or a national string (data type NCHAR or NVARCHAR). expression may not be a multiple value with dimension > 1. See also section "Compatibility between data types".


If the string contains the NULL value, the result is the NULL value.


The result is the number of bytes in the string.

Data type: INTEGER


Determine the number of bytes in the alphanumeric string 'only' (result: 4).


Determine the number of bytes in the national string 'An evening in old München' (result: 16).

OCTET_LENGTH (U&'An evening in old M\00FCnchen')