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Notational conventions

The following notational conventions are used in this manual:

Syntax definitions


SQL keywords


Default values


Used for emphasis in running text


Variables in syntax definitions and running text

Fixed-space font

Program text in syntax definitions and examples


Definition character
The specification to the right of ::= defines the syntax of
the element on the left.


In unqualified syntax definitions this character separates
the alternative specifications.

[ ]

May be omitted
The brackets are metacharacters and must not be
entered in an SQL statement.

{ | }

Alternative specifications in syntax definitions (on a single
The braces are metacharacters and must not be entered
in an SQL statement.

{ |



Alternative specifications in syntax definitions (over
several lines). Each line contains one alternative.
The braces are metacharacters and must not be entered
in an SQL statement.


In syntax definitions, a comma followed by three dots
means that you can repeat the preceding specification
any number of times, separating each specification with a
comma. If you do not repeat a specification, you must omit
the comma.


In syntax definitions, an ellipsis means that you can
repeat the preceding specification any number of times. In
examples, the ellipsis means that the rest of the statement
is of no significance to the example.
The ellipsis is a metacharacter and must not be entered in
an SQL statement.

Indicates notes that are of particular importance.

Indicates warnings.

The strings <date>, <time> and <ver> in examples indicate the current displays for date, time and version when the examples are otherwise independent of date, time and version.