Select Version
Another type of join is the union join. The derived table of a union join is formed as follows:
The table to the left of the UNION operator is extended on the right by having the columns of the other table added to it. The added columns are set to the NULL value.
The table to the right of the UNION operator is extended on the left by having the columns of the other table added to it. The added columns are set to the NULL value.
The derived table represents the set union of the two extended tables.
Link the ITEMS and PURPOSE tables by means of a union join.
SELECT items.item_num, items.item_name, purpose. * FROM items UNION JOIN purpose item_num item_name item_num part nmuber 1 Bicycle 2 Bicycle 10 Frame 11 Frame 120 Front wheel 130 Back wheel 200 Handlebars ... 501 Nut M5 1 10 1 1 120 1 1 130 1 1 200 1 120 210 1 ... 200 501 10