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Summary of contents

Chapter 2 contains fundamental information which is relevant for all readers (e.g. architecture, fundamental operating functions).

Chapter 3 contains fundamental information on the SE Manager, the central user interface of the SE server.

The subsequent chapters describe the tasks on the SE server and the user interface of the SE Manager. They are based on the tree structure of the SE Manager.

Detailed information on the data displayed, the dialog boxes, and operation of the SE Manager is provided in the online help of the SE Manager.


For information on any functional changes or extensions to this manual, please refer to the product-specific Readme file.

In addition to the product manuals, Readme files for each product are available to you online at You will also find the Readme files on the Softbook DVD.

Information under BS2000

When a Readme file exists for a product version, you will find the following file on the BS2000 system:


This file contains brief information on the Readme file in English or German (<lang>=E/D). You can view this information on screen using the /SHOW-FILE command or an editor. The /SHOW-INSTALLATION-PATH INSTALLATION-UNIT=<product> command shows the user ID under which the product‘s files are stored.

Additional product information

Current information, version and hardware dependencies and instructions for installing and using a product version are contained in the associated Release Notice. These Release Notices are available online at