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Configuration in IORSF files


Select Devices -> [<se server>(SE<model>) ->] <unit> (SU</390>), IORSF files tab.

The IORSF files tab provides information about the IORSF files which are available on the MU.


Click Update IORSF file list to update the file list and the device lists. This action is only possible if at least one of the associated MUs is in normal operation.
The previous file list and the previous device lists are deleted and the current data are transferred from the SVP. The active IORSF file is edited implicitly, and the device lists in the BS2000 devices menu are refreshed.

The SE Manager always displays the devices which are contained in the current IORSF file on the SVP (*CURRENT level). Dynamic I/O configuration changes are initially performed in the active IORSF. The SE Manager can display these changes only if you write back the changed configuration to the relevant file on the SVP. Use the /STOP-CONFIGURATION-UPDATE IORSF-UPDATE=*YES(LEVEL=...) command in the BS2000 to do this. After that you have to run the Update IORSF file list action in the SE Manager.