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Operating virtual machines

When an AU is operated with a hypervisor system, VMs can be configured (via this hypervisor system). You operate the VMs of an AU using the menu item Virtual machines.
As soon as a VM has been configured, the tree structure below Systems -> [<se server>(SE<model>) ->] <unit> (AU<model>) -> Virtual machines is expanded by a VM-specific menu <VM-Name>.

In the case of AU PQ, systems run on the individual partitions of the AU. As soon as a VM has been configured, the tree structure below Systems -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (<AU PQ model>) -> <unit> (<partition>) -> Virtual machines is expanded by a VM-specific menu <VM-Name>. You can operate the VM in this window.

Information on VMs

The VM overview tab provides information on the virtual machines which run on the AU under a hypervisor (HyperV Windows Server, VMware vSphere, Oracle VM Server, Citrix XenServer).


Select Systems -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (AUxx) -> Virtual machines, VM overview tab.

On AU PQ select Systems -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (<AU PQ model>) -> <unit> (<partition>) -> Virtual machines, VM overview tab.

The VM overview tab displays the configured VMs.

Operating a VM

In the VM-specific menu you receive detailed information on the VM. Depending on the situation, you can also execute an action directly for the VM (e.g. starting a VM).


In the tree structure select Systems -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (AUxx) -> Virtual machines -> <VM-name>.

On AU PQ select Systems -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (<AU PQ model>) -> <unit> (<partition>) -> Virtual machines -> <VM-name>.

The Operation tab opens and in the Status group displays the properties and current status of the VM.

For the hypervisor types Oracle VM Manager and VMware vSphere, the Operation group is also displayed provided the associated hypervisor is active and can be reached by the Management Unit, i.e.

Some actions for the VM can also be called directly in the SE Manager:


Click Open in the Operation group VMware vSphere Web Client or Oracle VM Manager.

If VMware ESXi version 6.0.update02 or higher is installed on the AU, the Open action is also offered for "VMware Host Client".

The VM Manager opens in a new window. After logging in successfully, you obtain access there to manage the VMware hosts/systems or the Oracle VM hosts/systems.


Only for Oracle VM on AU PQ: In the Console group, click Open Oracle VM Console.

If it is not already open, the console of the Oracle VM opens in a new window.

Customer Support will install the key required for access.


In the Actions group click an action which is to be executed directly for the VM.
Depending on the situation, the actions Start VM, Restart VM, Power off VM, Pause VM, Resume VM and Stop VM are available for selection.
These actions are also available for VMs of the hypervisors Citrix XenServer and Microsoft HyperV.