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Automatic update

Automatic update ensures that the data displayed in the main window is up to date. All the data displayed is updated in each cycle, in particular:

  • the object lists and their statuses in the working area

  • the object lists and their statuses in the tree structure

For information on "working area" and "tree structure", see section "Main window".

Main windows with automatic updates are identified by the Update icon (wheel) in the right upper corner of the main page. If there is currently an update in progress, the wheel is rotating. If there is currently no update in progress, the wheel is greyed out. If you drag the mouse cursor over the icon, the "Automatic update follows" tool tip is displayed. All main windows for which an up-to-date status display is important, support automatic updates. You can find the current list of these main windows in the online help.

By default an update cycle of 30 seconds is available for each user. Each user can change this setting for himself/herself in the range from 10 through 120 seconds or exclude the automatic update. The setting is specified in the Change update cycle and session timeout dialog box (see section "Session timeout"). The individual setting is stored on an account-specific basis.