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Messages in the Event logging of the SE Manager

In the event logging of SEM it is logged when a BS2000 system is started, shut down and deleted, among others. Those also are events during an LM that are protocolled: shutting down the BS2000 system on the source SU, creating the BS2000 system on the target SU and deleting the BS2000 system on the source SU. (For further details see the chapter -> LM procedure).

With the help of the filter function the user can have those events displayed for a specific BS2000 system to check if and when they were migrated.

In the following example, two migrations can be seen of the guest system ABGSE109 on an SU /390. Source SU and target SU are represented by the BCAM hostname of their monitor systems.
Three events are created for every migration.
The messages are sorted by timestamp, the newest event is displayed above.


  • The first LM was done at 8:17 from the source SU “ABGSE1BS” to target SU “ABGSE211”.
  • The LM in reverse direction was done at 8:53.

The messages in the events table have the following meaning during Live Migration:

VM … paused   „BS2000 Suspend“ on the source SU. The VM was paused.

VM … created   „BS2000 Resume“ on the target SU. The VM was started.

VM … deleted   The VM was deleted on the source SU.

Additionally, the name of the affected VM and on which SU the event happened is displayed in the message. 

In case of an LM between SU x86 four events will be created for every migration - the VM is being deactvated before deletion - apart from that the notifications are the same.