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Logging in, session and user management

Single sign-on

The users has to provide their username and password only once on any MU and receives access according to their authorization to all functions of both SE Servers, including add-on packs. (Hint: When it comes to StorMan, an explicit authorization of the user account is necessary. See the StorMan documentation for this.)

Global session

The session is global or over-arching. The MU can be changed without further authentication in a server-overarching way, for example when starting add-ons.
Requirement: DNS server and LDAP (if necessary) must be available for all MUs.

Displaying a global session (see the first column) for the (own, highlighted in blue) account johndoe

Global management of accounts

All accounts  - local and LDAP – are valid for the whole Management Cluster. They are ready on every MU of every SE Server in the same measure.


The account johndoe is (centrally) created and managed.

The passwords (for local accounts) and other properties as well as individual rights (for operators) are also managed centrally.