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General information about SU Clusters


  • An SU Cluster between two Server Units in different SE Servers can be set up only after a Management Cluster is configured.
  • An SU Cluster between two SU x86 clusters in an SE Server needs external configuration disks (CRD), but it doesn’t need a Management Cluster.
  • A SAN-X configuration of the RAID peripheral is needed for SU clusters. (Every external configuration disk must be reachable from every unit participating in the SU Cluster.)
  • The same data and administration networks (DANPUnn and MANPU/MONPU) must be available on both SE Servers for an SU Cluster (or for the LM functionality) based on a Management Cluster.
    The network communication between the two SE Servers must be realized in the same network segment or without routers/gateways.
    Only in such a way it can be assured that the network connections of the BS2000 systems still function correctly after the LM.
    Further details about the networks of the SE Server can be found in the manual “Administration and Operation“ [1].

Recommandations and notes

  • After a Live Migration the migrated BS2000 system accesses the storage systems from the remote location.
    Thus for performance reasons a maximal distance of 15 km between the locations is recommended.
  • Longer distancies and lower data transfer rates are conceivable but the realization must be tested in practice in the customer's specific configuration.
  • Note 1:
    A data transfer rate of 1 Gbit/s may not suffice for Live Migration in some cases.
    When using the 10 Gbit/s NU extension it is possible to connect the two SE Servers by a 10 Gbit/s ISL-E connection.
  • Note 2:
    The cluster software does not check whether the above conditions are met. This has to be ensured by the customer through a suitable configuration of the infrastructure.


  • The configuration of the SU Cluster consists of a cluster name and a selection of both Server Units between which the Live Migration function should be made possible.
  • Multiple SU Clusters can be configured within a Management Cluster. However, an SU can belong to only one SU Cluster.