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Diagnostic data

The administrator can generate diagnostic data on the units (Management Unit, HNC and Server Unit x86) and make this data available to Customer Support when the latter requires this support.
This function is also accessible for the other user roles.

Security-relevant actions

In the SE Manager, as administrator you can download diagnostic data to the administration PC in order, for example, to send it by email to Customer Support.

The diagnostic data contains base system data which is relevant to security.
However, it contains no customer data from your BS2000 systems which are run on or with it.
This also applies for customer data which resides in XenVM systems of an SU x86.

The diagnostic data collected in the archives cannot simply be used in the form it is to intrude in or compromise the system. Nevertheless, you should take care:
When managing the diagnostic data on the administration PC and sending it to the Support Center, ensure that these diagnostic data can only be accessed by trusted persons.