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Event logging and alarm management

The Event Logging function logs all events that occur und displays the logged events under Logging -> Event Logging in the All events tab. To provide a better overview, the recent events that you have not yet seen are also displayed in the Current events overview. The Dashboard displays a summary of this tab in the Events tile.

If you use the Acknowledges current events tab to remove the currently displayed events from the Current events table, the Events tile reflects this change. The acknowledged events are only displayed in the All events tab.

The currently possible events with messages are listed in the online help of the SE Manager under "Further information".

With the Alarm management you can configure automatic SNMP trap or e-mail messages for events with certain weights; this enables you to recognize important events like error situations earlier and to react quickly if necessary, even in large SE server configurations.

The SE Manager displays the alarm management configuration in the Logging -> Alarm management menu.

Security-relevant actions

Since a message can mean that sensitive data are sent to the outside, you should always thoroughly check the specified address when configuring a new SNMP trap or email receiver. Use the test function to send a test trap or test email to the new receiver to see whether the messages is sent to the correct receiver.