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Summary of contents

The manual contains the security-relevant information for the SE server. The systems Management Unit, HNC, Server Unit x86 and Application Units on the SE server are examined individually.

The Application Units have a special position. Compared to the Management Unit, HNC and Server Unit, in the Application Units the user plays a greater role in administration and monitoring. The information in this manual therefore applies generally only for the Management Unit, HNC and Server Unit x86. When information also applies for Application Units, this is stated specifically.

The Management Unit, HNC and Server Unit x86 are systems that have been specially configured and hardened by FUJITSU.
By contrast, the operating system which is optionally preinstalled on an Application Unit contains no special security provisions. Here the user bears sole responsibility for configuring a secure system.

On the other hand the Management Unit, HNC and Server Unit x86 differ in their functionality, which means that some of the information in this manual is only applicable for some of these systems. In this case the systems concerned are named at the start of the section (in the heading or in the introductory sentence).

The various chapters of the manual deal with the topics which are relevant to security.

The operation and administration of the SE server are described in detail in the “Operation and Administration” manual [2] and in the context-sensitive online help of the SE Manager. There you will also find further information on operating the functions dealt with in this Security Manual.

Information on security in BS2000 OSD/BC is provided in the “Introduction to System Administration” manual [8] and the manuals for the software product SECOS [9 and 10].


For information on any functional changes or extensions to this manual, please refer to the product-specific Readme file.

In addition to the product manuals, Readme files for each product are available to you online at You will also find the Readme files on the Softbook DVD.

Information under BS2000

When a Readme file exists for a product version, you will find the following file on the BS2000 system:


This file contains brief information on the Readme file in English or German (<lang>=E/D). You can view this information on screen using the /SHOW-FILE command or an editor. The /SHOW-INSTALLATION-PATH INSTALLATION-UNIT=<product> command shows the user ID under which the product’s files are stored.

Additional product information

Current information, version and hardware dependencies and instructions for installing and using a product version are contained in the associated Release Notice. These Release Notices are available online at