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IP-based access restriction

The administrator can configure access to the MU and thus to the SE Manager in such a manner that access is possible only for explicitly entered IP addresses or for IP addresses from an explicitly entered IP network.

The current setting is shown by the IP-based access rights tab in the menu Authorizations -> Configuration.

By default the list for access restrictions is empty, and access is permitted without restriction for all IP addresses.

Security-relevant actions

  • With the first entry (IP address or IP network) you enable IP-based access restriction to the MU. Access is then only possible for IP addresses which are entered either explicitly or via an IP network.
    Because each entry takes effect immediately, you should always observe the following:

    With the first entry, enter your own IP address (or the subnetwork). Otherwise you will lock yourself out and will lose access to the SE Manager!

  • When you delete the last entry from the list for access restriction, access to the MU is once again possible for all IP addresses without restriction.