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Access to external assets

AIS Connect enables Customer Support connections to be configured via the Management Unit to selected storage systems which in this context are referred to as external assets.

These connections are configured by Customer Support in agreement with the customer.

The SE Manager displays the configured external assets in the Remote Service tab under Hardware -> Units -> <se server> (SE<model>) -> <unit> (MU) -> Service.
As administrator you can at all times modify the Customer Support access to specific external assets (allow or not allow).

Security-relevant actions

  • Changing Customer Support access to external assets:

    The following settings are possible:

    • Allow access
      Customer Service has access to the external asset at all times.

    • Access not permitted
      Customer Support obtains no access to the external asset.

    Even in the Access not permitted status it is ensured that the Teleservice messages are forwarded to the Support Center.

    In an SE server configuration with multiple MUs, you have to make the same settings on each MU.

A description is provided in the section “Managing service access” in the “Operation and Administration” manual [2] and in the online help.