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Security in the BS2000 operating system

BS2000OSD/BC provides basic functions for system security. For details, see the “Introduction to System Administration” manual [8].

More extensive security functions in BS2000 are implemented by the software product SECOS, which consists of the following components:

  • SRPM (System Resources and Privileges Management),

  • GUARDS (Generally Usable Access contRol aDministration System)

  • GUARDDEF (GUARDs DEFault protection)

  • GUARDCOO (GUARDs COOwner protection)

  • SAT (Security Audit Trail)

  • SECOS-KRB (Kerberos authentication)

Details are provided in the SECOS manuals ([9] and [10]).These SECOS components are provided by management systems and interfaces which enable each individual user to define a customized set of rights and duties.