Select Version
This release describes optional hardware components that are supported by the basic software M2000/X2000/HNC V6.5A or higher:
New hardware generation SE330 / SE330B and SE730 / SE730B
With SE330 and SE730 a new variant MU M4 of the hardware base for the Management Unit is used.
- With SE330B and SE730B a new variant MU M5 of the hardware base for the Management Unit is used.
With SE730 a new variant HNC M4 of the hardware base for the HNC is used.
- With SE730B a new variant HNC M5 of the hardware base for the HNC is used.
With SE330 a new variant SU330 of the hardware base for the Server Unit is used.
- With SE330B a new variant SU330B of the hardware base for the Server Unit is used.