An inhomogeneous Management Cluster is a Management Cluster consisting of servers with different SW versions, e.g. of an SE server with all units (MU, HNC, SU x86) with version V6.5 and another SE server with all units (MU, HNC, SU x86) with version V6.4. This situation can occur if the servers of a Management Cluster are not upgraded at the same time but in steps.
This chapter deals with specific topics and limitations that must be considered in an inhomogeneous management cluster during normal operation.
In general, you should log in to a V6.5 MU to use it to manage V6.5 units, while logging in to a V6.4 MU to use it to manage V6.4 units.
Roles and accounts
The role concept in V6.5 is not compatible with that in V6.4.
Therefore the following applies:
- V6.4 accounts should only be used on V6.4 MUs, V6.5 accounts only on V6.5 MUs.
- The service will advise you and help you find the right approach when moving to V6.5, so that you can use the acounts you want in the homogeneous V6.5 end state.
SE operation state
The SE operation state (including the maintenance state) can be edited only in V6.5 and it is not visible in V6.4.
The server information (predecessor of the SE operation state) can be edited only in V6.4 and it is not visible in V6.5.
New menu structure and the main windows
In V6.5 the structure of the Units and Service menus has been changed:
The submenus Hardware -> <MU|HNC|SUx86> -> Service (Update | CSR | Diagnostics | Remote Service) have been moved from the Hardware menu to the Service menu.
When changing the MU in SEM (e.g. using the links in the header) from a MU with V6.5 to one with V6.4, with one of the above main windows open in SEM, this is not found and the browser displays "Not Found / The requested URL ... was not found on this server.".
With an analogous change from a MU with V6.4 to one with V6.5, the Service menu is changed correctly, whereas all calls of the FC menu are redirected to the Overview window.
Hardware properties
Call the "Hardware details for unit" dialog for a unit from a MU of the same server, otherwise it will fail.
Call the "Change scheduled power on/off" dailog for a unit from a MU of the same server, otherwise it will fail.
Version dependency
With V6.5 the add-ons had to adapt to this new version.
Please refer to the respective add-on-specific documentation for the recommended versions and recommended procedures.