The KVP logging files contain the BS2000 operating system history at console and KVP level.
The history contains up to 40 KVP logging files per KVP. When 40 files exist, the oldest is deleted when a new KVP logging file is created.
How far back in time the history goes depends largely on how many messages the system concerned issues.
As administrator or BS2000 administrator you can download the KVP logging files and store them on the administration PC for further use.
You can access the KVP logging files via the respective BS2000 system:
in Native BS2000 mode via the KVP logging tab under Systems -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (SU<model>) -> BS2000
in VM2000 mode via the KVP tab under Systems -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (SU<model>) -> <bs2000-vm>
Alternatively, access is possible via the KVP tab under Devices -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (SU<model>).
Security-relevant actions
Download confidential data:
When managing the KVP logging files on the administration PC, remember that these files may contain confidential BS2000 data. You must consequently ensure that only trusted persons can access these downloaded files.