Task-specific settings used when creating the dump can be specified with the command MODIFY-TEST-OPTIONS (see the “Commands” manual [8]).
The USERDUMP-OPTIONS operand controls if the output of the user and area dumps are for your own task or for other tasks running under your user ID (this restriction does not apply to user IDs with the TSOS privilege).
The user can specify:
if any user or area dumps are to be made or if they are to be converted to system dumps (DUMP=*SYSTEM),
on which pubset the dumps are to be stored
if dump duplicates are to be suppressed or not,
the maximum number of dumps that can be made and
if the user dump is to contain DIV windows, data spaces or POSIX memory mapping areas.
The local task test privileges can be used with the PRIVILEGE operand to control if:
user or area dumps are allowed to be converted to system dumps (DUMP=*SYSTEM) and
if system dumps are allowed to be requested for the CDUMP2 macro or for the message
A read test privilege >=
3 is necessary, either in the task in which the dump occurred or in the task that specified DUMP=*SYSTEM.
A requirement to be able to set the read test privilege >=
3 locally for a task is that the user ID under which the task is running has a sufficiently large value (see the ADD-USER or MODIFY-USER-ATTRIBUTES commands, TEST-OPTIONS operand).